Videos Section 2
Decking The Halls W/ Zach King
Added 904 Views / 0 LikesDecking the halls for Christmas with Zach King the magical way! Merry Christmas!
10 Labrador Puppies Eating Solid Food For The First Time
Added 903 Views / 0 LikesThere so cute and like a typical Labrador like there food ,
Women Loses Eyesight After Her Cat Licks Her
Added 903 Views / 0 LikesIt's rare, but cats can spread bacteria to people and cause serious illness. Janese Walters of Toledo, Ohio, says she wishes she had known these dangers ...
Bulldog Rescues Swimming Bulldog
Added 903 Views / 0 LikesOne bulldog is afraid that her brother is going to drown, even though he's wearing a life vest.
Friskies Cat Questions: Christmas
Added 902 Views / 0 LikesWhat does your cat want for Christmas? I bet they want wet food...go here and get a Friskies coupon! Subscribe to Friskies YouTube Channel for even more cat videos: Watch Hard to Be A Cat at Christm
Kitten Excited To See Baby Deer On The Front Porch
Added 902 Views / 0 LikesHow incredible is this? A kitten named Miro was amazed to see a new born deer (fawn) at the front door. Watch him try to figure out what's going on! Adorable! Notice: This deer was a baby, less than 48 hours old. It was NOT hurt nor injured, but it was no
Audio Only - Sweet Hour Of Prayer - Acoustic Music
Added 902 Views / 0 LikesSweet Hour of Prayer · Dale Ann Bradley
Meaning Of American Pie By Don McLean
Added 902 Views / 0 LikesAmerican Pie (1971) is a cryptic song by Don McLean that starts on the death of Buddy Holly in an airplane crash in February, 3rd 1959, the day the music died... When the words are put together with music and graphics the song takes on a whole new meaning
French Bulldog Puppy Gets His Bed Back (Pixel's Revenge)
Added 901 Views / 0 Likes10-week-old french bulldog Pixel finally got his revenge on the cat, who keeps stealing his bed, even though she has her own. Fun fact: he drags the bed and puts it back in his corner, where he always sleeps.
71-Year-Old Man Walks Thousands Of Miles To Promote Peace
Added 901 Views / 0 LikesAs a grandfather of 8, Al wants this world to be the best place it can be. Inspired by the amazing men and women of the military, he has pursued what he believes is his mission to encourage others to pray for peace. After September 11, New York City becam
Lava Sets Fire To Home In Hawaii
Added 901 Views / 0 LikesMolten rock hit the house just before noon in Pahoa, the largest town in Big Island's isolated and mostly agricultural Puna district. The home's nearest neighbor is about a half-mile away
Disco The Parakeet - Oy Duh Meep Bop!
Added 901 Views / 0 LikesDisco being a sweet goofball, mixing up a bit of German and English, plus a bit Yiddish and French, and then - well, what exactly *is* Oy Duh Meep Bop"? "
Buffalo Soldier Museum (Texas Country Reporter)
Added 901 Views / 0 LikesStop by a museum dedicated to preserving the legacy and honor of the African-American soldier.
Llamas Bring Happiness To Nursing Home
Added 901 Views / 0 LikesNursing home residents delight in their llama visitor.