Videos Section 2
Building Bolero -- The Queensland Symphony Orchestra Moves To South Bank
Added 1,022 Views / 0 LikesThe Queensland Symphony Orchestra surprises a curious and enthusiastic crowd with a guerrilla-style performance of Ravel's Bolero in Brisbane's South Bank. The Orchestra relocated to the city's cultural hub in December of 2012 and performed the pop-up per
The Fish Whisperer
Added 1,022 Views / 0 LikesThe Fish Whisperer - man catches bass with bear hands.
Baby Badgers: Opal, Jet And Topaz Enjoy Life After Rescue
Added 1,022 Views / 0 LikesTHREE cute baby badgers are being nursed back to health after being abandoned by their mothers.
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Captured On Hidden Camera
Added 1,021 Views / 0 LikesNo, really! He's real after all!! Watch as Rudolph gets shunned by his fellow reindeer but in the end.... well just watch the video to see what happens. Music: Gene Autry-Rudoph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Kittens Falling Asleep Compilation | Funny Cats
Added 1,020 Views / 0 LikesKittens Falling Asleep Compilation | Funny Cats
Steve Martin Has To Leave Johnny Carson, Funniest Moments
Added 1,020 Views / 0 LikesSteve Martin tells Johnny Carson he has to leave on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" in 1978. "
How To Build A Chicken Coop: Step-by-step Instructions With Free Plans
Added 1,019 Views / 0 LikesHere is a link to the detailed plans and a ton of assorted pictures that I took along the way. (For categorized pictures look at the albums. To see all the pictures click photostream).
World's Smallest Train 2
Added 1,018 Views / 0 LikesThis is the world's simplest electric train which runs not only inside but also outside the coil
Dog Takes Down Bride
Added 1,018 Views / 0 LikesWe're not sure, but we think this dog might not be ready for his favorite sister to walk down the aisle!
11 Months, 3000 Pictures And A Lot Of Coffee.
Added 1,018 Views / 0 LikesStarted out as just a collection of snaps as I stripped down an engine bought off ebay. (To replace my old engine, which had suffered catastrophic failure). The snaps were so that I remembered how everything went, so I could put it back together again. Th
16 Golden Retriever Puppies Who Were Huge Dweebs
Added 1,018 Views / 0 LikesPrepare to be won over by these doofuses.
360° Video: Polar Lights In Iceland
Added 1,018 Views / 0 LikesThe polar lights, more commonly known as the northern lights, occur as a result of solar activity: the sun throws out a great amount of its substance.
Kangaroo And Dog | Best Friends
Added 1,017 Views / 0 LikesBlue the roo and Trooper my rotty pup, best of friends. This video I would like to share with you as it shows an amazing relationship between two species.
Puppy's First Peanut Butter Treat
Added 1,016 Views / 0 LikesI am getting a fair bit of flack all over for giving my dog peanut butter.
Junior The French Bulldog - Because Of You
Added 1,016 Views / 0 LikesJunior The French Bulldog - Because of you