Videos Section 2
Under Siege: Polar Bear Break In!
Added 861 Views / 0 LikesThe crew return to their hut to find that they've had an unwanted visitor, and he's rather hungry!
Underwater Dogs - Pets - Wild At Heart
Added 889 Views / 0 LikesSlow motion footage of swimming dogs reveals the surprising efficiency of the doggy paddle and their incredible diving skills.
Unlikely Friends Bobcat And Coyote Pup
Added 841 Views / 0 LikesUnlikely Friends Bobcat Prescilla" & Coyote Pup "Macey" become best of friends after Macey was pushed out of her pack. "
Unlikely Friends: Cat & Chicken Edition
Added 815 Views / 0 LikesEver seen a kitten and a chicken playing together? It's more than awesome, trust us.
Unlikely Pet Friends Compilation
Added 874 Views / 0 LikesInteresting and fun pet friend combos, including some you'd never expect!
Unlikely Pet Pals || Funny Pet Compilation
Added 1,236 Views / 0 LikesFriendships come in many shapes and sizes.
Unlocking The Eyes | Explorer
Added 895 Views / 0 LikesExplore the many ways that eyes help us and other animals survive, and even how they inspire some incredible emerging technology.
Unlocking The Eyes | Explorer
Added 811 Views / 0 LikesExplore the many ways that eyes help us and other animals survive, and even how they inspire some incredible emerging technology.
Unlocking The Secrets Of Bird Migration
Added 806 Views / 0 LikesMeet our superhero #Birdman, Dr. Pete Marra. Birds use superpowers to migrate thousands of miles and Dr. Marra has sworn to use cutting-edge research in the battle to save wild birds. Understanding where and when birds travel is key to protecting habitats
Unlucky Pets || Funny Compilation
Added 850 Views / 0 LikesTop 16 most unlucky pets who could use a four leaf clover on St. Patrick's Day.
Unusual Horses: Bashkir Curly
Added 811 Views / 0 LikesThis beautiful breed has it all: intelligence, temperament, stamina and an unmistakable coat, which just so happens to be hypoallergenic.
Unusual Horses: The Exmoor
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesAs historically British as afternoon tea, the Exmoor pony is one of nature's great delights.
Urban Kayaking With Torch Paddles
Added 713 Views / 0 LikesUrban Kayaking with Torch Paddles. Huge thanks to our friends over at Torch Paddles for bringing TeamSuperTramp to British Columbia to make this video!
USS Conestoga Finally Found After 95 Years
Added 1,005 Views / 0 LikesNaval ship, the USS Conestoga has been missing since its fateful sailing from San Francisco Bay on March 25th, 1921.