Videos Section 2
Twin Baby Girls Fight Over Pacifier
Added 879 Views / 0 LikesTwin baby girls fight back and forth over a pacifier indoors and cry.
Two Little Boys Loving On The Puppies
Added 643 Views / 0 LikesTwo Little Boys Loving on the Puppies
Two Neil Youngs Sing OLD MAN On Jimmy Fallon
Added 1,569 Views / 0 LikesNeil Young sings his classic song Old Man" alongside Neil Young ( Jimmy Fallon )."
Two Stray Dogs Get Separated During Rescue
Added 958 Views / 0 LikesThis rescue was much harder than it shows... getting two dogs together is a tricky thing and required a lot more running than I could show on this short video (this is why I was out of breath by the end of the video).
Two Year Old Motorcycle Racer! | People Are Awesome
Added 738 Views / 0 LikesThese little future champions are awesome! Two year old Tima Kuleshov (motorcycle rider) and and four year old Makar Zheleznyak (kart driver) race round the track.
Tyrion - An Injured Pit Bull Rescued A Moment Before Disaster.
Added 701 Views / 0 LikesTiming is everything! When I arrived at the rescue location, Tyrion was running up the freeway on-ramp towards super fast traffic. Luckily, I got some help from two off-duty officers! I will post photo updates here: If you would
Tyrone | Playing For Change | Live Outside Series
Added 850 Views / 0 LikesHello Everyone, Welcome to a new episode from our PFC Live Outside series. Today we are proud to feature Tula and Roberto Luti performing Erykah Badu's class...
U.S. National Anthem Sung By 500 High School Students
Added 809 Views / 0 Likes500 high school choir students sing the U.S. National anthem in an 18-story atrium at Louisville's downtown Hyatt Regency as part of the Kentucky Music Educators convention.
Ultimate Aerial Video Of NYC!
Added 927 Views / 0 LikesI wanted to create an aerial video that shows all of the 5 boroughs of NYC rather than just Manhattan or Brooklyn.
Ultimate Cat Shaming!
Added 600 Views / 0 LikesIt's no secret that cats do whatever they want… they don't feel remorse, they're just cats doing cat stuff! Cat shaming is the perfect win-win way to get back at your cat.
Unbelievable House Truck Transforms Into Fantasy Castle
Added 756 Views / 0 LikesThis is a house truck that you have to see to believe. Completely road legal, this off-the-grid house truck folds out and transforms into a fantasy castle.
Unbelievable Unlikely Animal Friendships Compilation [HD VIDEO]
Added 1,007 Views / 0 LikesUnbelievable Unlikely Animal Friendships Compilation [HD VIDEO]
Uncle Ben Swallowed His False Teeth - The Moron Brothers
Added 890 Views / 0 LikesUncle Ben Swallowed His False Teeth - The Moron Brothers Bluegrass Comedy duo from Kentucky share hilarious stories and an song about the day that their Uncle Ben Swallowed His False Teeth.