Videos Section 2
Added 1,061 Views / 0 LikesPossibly the scariest moment of my life. On the 14th of November 2014 while doing stage five of my Accelerated Free Fall program I have a near death experience. At around 9000ft I have a seizure while attempting a left hand turn. I then spend the next 30
Dutch Girl Plays Downton Abbey On Piano
Added 1,061 Views / 0 LikesDutch Girl Plays Downton Abbey On Piano
Husky Puppy Walks For The First Time With Special Wheels
Added 1,061 Views / 0 LikesGeneral Huskaroo" was born with a deformity that limits the use of his front legs. Thanks to Dr. Dee and a special contraption
Smallest British Bird Drinking Rehydration Fluids
Added 1,061 Views / 0 LikesThis gorgeous goldcrest was admitted to the hospital, yesterday, after being found on the pavement, near buildings.
Halloween Light Show 2015 - Ghostbusters (Ray Parker Jr)
Added 1,061 Views / 0 Likes4 singing pumpkin faces, tombstones, hand carved pumpkins, strobes, floods, 2 Matrix boards and thousands of lights. All RGB LED except for the faces, floods and a few light strings. E1.31 DMX and LOR driven. 8000+ channels. Riverside, CA.
Dogs Take Turns Popping In To Say Hello
Added 1,060 Views / 0 LikesThese three dogs just want to poke their heads in for a quick hello, but there's only one doggie door! Hilarity ensues.
Squirrel Spins On Bird Feeder And Gets Dizzy
Added 1,058 Views / 0 LikesSquirrel hangs on to bird feeder while it spins around.
Brave Goose Chases Away Gorilla
Added 1,056 Views / 0 LikesYou can score one for the goose in this battle. The little guy had no problem chasing away a much larger gorilla!
7-year-old Sets New Limbo Skating World Record
Added 1,055 Views / 0 Likeslimbo skater has set a new world record - despite the fact he only started skating 2 years ago.
Tiny Hamster In A Tiny Playground
Added 1,053 Views / 0 LikesMy tiny dwarf hamster is back again. This time Chicken (yup, that's her name) is exploring her handmade playground. Watch her slide, swing and play. Thanks Dad, for helping me build the playground and thanks to Randy for help with shooting, editing, music
Chef Crusoe The Dachshund, Meets Gino D Acampo
Added 1,052 Views / 0 LikesChef Crusoe - aka Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund" meets renowned Italian chef Gino D'Acampo for this Cooking with Dog video series where Chef Crusoe makes the simple but delicious
Big Dogs Bully Little Dog Into Giving Up His Dog Bed
Added 1,052 Views / 0 LikesThese boxer puppies knew exactly what to do to trick their little chihuahua friend into giving up his bed!
Magician Wows Judges With Amazing Card Trick
Added 1,052 Views / 0 LikesWe've no idea how he does it, but 31-year-old Jamie Raven has everyone mesmerised with his clever conjuring act. After presenting the Judges with special BGT £50 notes, it's time to see what other tricks the magician has up his sleeve. Even Simon is won
Horse And Baboon Are Animal Best Friends
Added 1,050 Views / 0 LikesHorse And Baboon Are Animal Best Friends
Mary, Did You Know? - Pentatonix
Added 1,050 Views / 0 LikesMary, Did You Know? - Pentatonix
Sandra Beaulieu {Equine Affaire} Friesian Demo 2015 {Bitless Dressage}
Added 1,050 Views / 0 LikesVideo clips from the Friesian Breed Demo at the Equine Affaire in West Springfield, MA. Douwe and I have been performing in the demo for quite a few years.