Bald Baby Skunks Grow Up Doing The Cutest Thing | The Dodo Little But Fierce
These baby skunks were found all alone in a mulch pile. Watch as this woman takes in the babies no one else wanted to take in and teaches them how to be wild skunks.
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they're practicing their something they run around and they stop and then a bus come up like a break you know you break through and everything goes up the family has found these babies inside of a mulch pile so an important cause me it's not common for us the Texas to get skunks to rehab people don't like they're afraid of them so it was really different for me you picture them with a big fluffy tails let their hairless practically I honestly did not know how well they were going to be because they were pretty bad when I got them that first week it was a lot about learning for me one time I laugh and they're starting to look better for gaining weight they lost their veggies give up their fruit they face-first in there they literally dive into them then beneath their own personalities the male he was the instigator he was the troublemaker in the world the other girl was very curious but I think we're gonna read them they enjoy chasing each other and if I were in the room a fairy around they will chase us you know her doctor follow mom all the time since it's the same way they do not sense your father or not but as they get older and bigger I thought they would actually just be displaying all the time and I just thought oh my gosh I'm quitting my house and smelling stuff all the time but these babies knew Mia's mom for such a long period of time I have not gone right in the wild you know they stopped to warn you they were saying because it takes almost weeks for them to refill their system and by the time they got outside they were really good for something they get better body control it's that important Asian that's what I needed to start training them because I longed so it's really up to me to prepare them to be wild stuff I first started with the sandbox stick little holes in Haifa so that they can learn to use their zones to find their food and SATs when touching go for a while because they literally could not find one [Music] as I got bigger and it understood that they want us out of the enclosure they weren't ready to go all the animals I really felt they were the easiest I love everything about that experience [Music] like comment and subscribe

Lynne Henderson Added OMG they are just so darn cute. What a wonderful experience this woman was able to have. She has to be a kind person to rehab wild animals. Very uplifting.