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Stuffed Animals Christmas

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Stuffed Animals Christmas

It's Christmas time and all is bright,
The air is filled with cheer and delight.
But there's one group that's feeling left out,
The stuffed animals, with no Christmas shout.

They sit and watch, as gifts are exchanged,
Wondering why they've been rearranged.
They long to be a part of the fun,
But they're just sitting, waiting to be done.

But don't despair, my little friends,
For Christmas magic never ends.
You may not have a gift to open wide,
But you bring joy to those who can't hide.

So let's give a cheer, for stuffed animals on Christmas,
May your joy and love never diminish.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night,
From the stuffed animals, a delight.

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