Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

Reindeer Traveling Through Snowy Forest

Free Online JigSaw Puzzle
Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

Reindeer Traveling Through Snowy Forest

Reindeer traveling through a snowy forest
Their hooves pounding the ground, a steady and sure chorus
They move as one, a graceful and elegant dance
Through the trees and the snow, they take their chance

Their antlers are strong and proud
Guiding them through the wintry shroud
They are at home in the cold and the snow
A symbol of the wild and the free, they will go

Where they please, without a care
They are at one with the land, without a fear
They are a wonder to behold
A sight to see, a story to be told

So here's to the reindeer, traveling through the snow
May they roam and run, forevermore
A symbol of the wild and the free
In the snowy forest, where they will always be.

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