Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

Christmas Train Traveling Through The Snow

Free Online JigSaw Puzzle
Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

Christmas Train Traveling Through The Snow

Christmas Train traveling through the snow
A journey to a place we all know
A place where love and joy do abound
Where gifts and cheer can all be found

The engine chugs, the wheels do turn
As we travel through the winter burn
We pass through towns and cities bright
Where families gather, love in sight

The windows frost, the air is cold
But inside we're warm, our hearts are bold
We sing carols, tell stories and cheer
As we journey on, without fear

We'll soon arrive, our destination near
Where we'll share love and cheer, oh dear
With family and friends, we'll all unite
On this special night, Christmas Eve's delight

So let's sit back, and enjoy the ride
Through the snow, on this festive glide
To a place where love and joy do reign
Merry Christmas, from the Christmas Train.

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