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Latest JigSaw Puzzles

  • Christmas Painting

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Christmas Painting

    A Christmas painting on the wall,
    Brings cheer and joy to one and all,
    With strokes of red and green and gold,
    It captures the magic of the season, old.

    The brush moves quickly, with purpose and care,
    Creating a scene that fills the heart with cheer,
    A cozy fireplace, a Christmas tree aglow,
    And the smiling faces of loved ones, oh so dear.

    The painting comes to life, with each brush stroke,
    As the artist adds the final touches, with love and hope,
    For this is a gift from the heart,
    A celebration of the joy and warmth of Christmas, from the start.

    So let us admire the Christmas painting,
    And the love and joy it brings,
    For it is a reminder of all that is good,
    And the magic of the season, oh so sweet.


  • Angel Adorns The Christmas Tree

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Angel Adorns The Christmas Tree

    An angel adorns the Christmas tree,
    With wings of gold and eyes so bright,
    She watches over all with love,
    And brings the gift of peace tonight.

    Her gentle presence fills the room,
    With warmth and light and joy so true,
    For she is the guardian of the season,
    And the guardian of all we hold dear, too.

    She hangs the ornaments with care,
    Each one a symbol of the love we share,
    And as the tree is trimmed with lights,
    She spreads her wings and takes flight.

    So let us thank the angel on the tree,
    For her guidance and her love so sweet,
    For she is the spirit of Christmas,
    And the guardian of our hearts this season, oh so neat.

  • Santa Claus Loves Hot Chocolate and Christmas Cookies

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Santa Claus Loves Hot Chocolate and Christmas Cookies

    Santa Claus loves hot chocolate,
    And Christmas cookies, oh so sweet,
    He dips them in his steaming cup,
    And savors each and every bite.

    He sits by the fireplace, cozy and warm,
    His belly round and full of cheer,
    For Santa knows the joy of the season,
    And the magic that fills the air.

    He hums a jolly tune as he eats,
    His rosy cheeks aglow with delight,
    For Santa loves nothing more than this,
    The warmth and comfort of Christmas night.

    So let us raise a cup to Santa Claus,
    And the joy he brings to us all,
    For he is the spirit of Christmas,
    And the love that fills our hearts this season, oh so tall.

  • Mrs Santa Decorating The Christmas Tree

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Mrs Santa Decorating The Christmas Tree

    Mrs. Santa decorating the tree,
    With care and grace and cheer so free,
    Her hands a blur as she hangs the lights,
    Each one a shining beacon of delight.

    She adds the ornaments, one by one,
    Each one a treasure, bright as the sun,
    From sparkling balls to gingerbread men,
    The tree is transformed into a festive wonderland.

    The star is placed on top with a smile,
    A twinkle in her eye all the while,
    For Mrs. Santa knows the magic this tree brings,
    And the joy it will bring to all the good boys and girls.

    So let us watch as she decorates the tree,
    With love and laughter and Christmas glee,
    For this is the season of joy and cheer,
    And Mrs. Santa is the queen of the holiday, my dear.

  • Decorate The Christmas Tree

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Decorate The Christmas Tree

    Decorate the Christmas tree,
    With lights and balls and tinsel too,
    Add a shining star on top,
    And let the magic never stop.

    Hang the ornaments with care,
    Each one a cherished memory shared,
    From childhood days of pure delight,
    To present moments, warm and bright.

    Surround the tree with love and cheer,
    And let the holiday spirit fill the air,
    For this is the season to be jolly,
    And celebrate the blessings of family and friends, oh so holy.

    So let us decorate the Christmas tree,
    With joy and laughter and harmony,
    For this is the season to give and receive,
    And make all our dreams and wishes come true, may it be.

  • Santa Claus Adorns The Christmas

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Santa Claus Adorns The Christmas

    In the town square, Santa Claus adorns
    The Christmas tree with care and grace
    His laughter echoes through the night
    As he hangs each ornament with delight

    The children watch with wide-eyed wonder
    As Santa climbs the ladder with ease
    He hangs each bauble with a jolly smile
    And the tree glows with holiday cheer

    The townspeople gather 'round to see
    Santa and his work of art
    They clap and cheer as he steps back
    To admire the tree with a satisfied heart

    The snow falls gently, adding to the charm
    As the Christmas lights twinkle and dance
    And the town is filled with holiday joy
    On this special, magical night.

  • Christmas Cat Wearing Santa Hat

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Christmas Cat Wearing Santa Hat

    A Christmas cat, so sleek and sly
    Is lounging on the windowsill, so high
    Wearing a Santa hat upon her head
    She looks down at the world below with a playful grin

    Her green eyes sparkle with delight
    As she watches the people hurrying about in the night
    She purrs softly, a contented sound
    As she basks in the warmth from the fire that burns bright

    She stretches, showing off her claws
    And gives a playful flick of her tail
    For she knows she is the queen of this Christmas night
    With her Santa hat, she is a sight to see

    As the snow falls gently outside
    The Christmas cat curls up with a satisfied sigh
    Ready to drift off into a peaceful slumber
    On this magical, festive night.

  • Christmas Lights Illuminate The Town

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle


    Christmas Lights Illuminate The Town

    The town is aglow with Christmas lights
    As the night falls and the stars take flight
    The streets are alive with holiday cheer
    As people bustle and shop without fear

    The storefronts are decked with wreaths and holly
    And the air is filled with the sound of jingle bells
    The Christmas tree stands tall and bright
    Its lights twinkling with all their might

    The town square is a sight to see
    With its festive decorations and Christmas tree
    Families gather to sing carols and take in the sights
    As the Christmas lights illuminate the town on this winter night

    The snow falls gently, adding to the wonder
    As the town basks in the glow of the season's splendor
    And as we walk hand in hand, our hearts filled with cheer
    We are grateful for the joy that Christmas brings each year.

  • The Town Snowman

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle


    The Town Snowman

    In the town square stands a snowman
    Tall and round, with a carrot nose
    He is the pride of the town
    On this cold, snowy winter night

    His coal eyes sparkle in the moonlight
    As he gazes out at the town
    His stick arms are raised in cheer
    For all to see, he stands so tall

    Children gather 'round his feet
    To marvel at his grand design
    And toss snowballs at his head
    With laughter and joy, they play

    The townspeople stop to admire
    The snowman's beauty and grace
    He stands as a symbol of their love
    Of the winter season and the cold

    And as the snow begins to melt
    The town snowman fades away
    But in our hearts, he'll always stay
    A cherished memory of the town.

  • Cold Snowy Winter Night

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle


    Cold Snowy Winter Night

    The cold, snowy winter night
    Descends upon the world with might
    The air is crisp and still
    As the snowflakes gently chill

    The trees stand bare and stark
    As the moon shines in the dark
    The world is wrapped in white
    On this cold, snowy winter night

    The fire crackles in the hearth
    As the wind howls in the north
    We curl up by the fire's light
    On this cold, snowy winter night

    The snow continues to fall
    Covering all in its white pall
    But inside, we are warm and snug
    On this cold, snowy winter night

    So let the storm rage outside
    As we sit by the fire with pride
    Safe and sound, we'll see the light
    Of a new day, come morning's sight.