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Latest JigSaw Puzzles

  • Feline Whiskers Gold Kitty Christmas

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Feline Whiskers Gold Kitty Christmas

    Feline whiskers, gold kitty Christmas
    Soft fur and paws so nimble and quick
    She sits by the tree, a regal princess
    Her gaze fixed on the lights so bright and slick

    Her purrs fill the room, a joyous melody
    As she sniffs at the gifts, all wrapped in red
    Her little paws dance, a sight to see
    As she plays with the ribbon, so neatly spread

    But as the night wears on, she grows tired
    Her head droops and she closes her eyes
    She curls up and falls asleep, so desired
    Dreaming of mice and catnip, a surprise

    Merry Christmas to all, especially the feline kind
    May your whiskers be gold and your purrs divine

  • Kitten Christmas

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Kitten Christmas

    Kitten Christmas is here,
    The joy and cheer is near.
    Furry little friends with paws so soft,
    Ready to play, no matter the cost.

    The tree is trimmed, the lights are bright,
    The stockings hung with all their might.
    The fire is warm, the cookies baked,
    Kitten Christmas is here, no time to waste.

    The stockings are filled with treats and toys,
    For all the kitties, girls and boys.
    They play and pounce, they purr and meow,
    Kitten Christmas, the best time of year, we know.

    So let's celebrate, and have some fun,
    With all these kitties, one by one.
    Kitten Christmas is here, let's ring in the cheer,
    And make this holiday, the best one yet, my dear.

  • Santa Claus Kitty In Christmas Basket

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Santa Claus Kitty In Christmas Basket

    Santa Claus kitty in Christmas basket
    Fuzzy and warm, so full of class it
    Lays in the basket, all cozy and snug
    Dreaming of milk and a bowl full of grub

    All dressed in red, with a hat on its head
    Santa Claus kitty looks quite well fed
    It purrs and it paws at the ribbon and bow
    As it waits for Christmas to come, don't you know

    But Santa Claus kitty won't have to wait long
    As the sleigh bells ring and the carolers sing their song
    Soon it will be time for Santa to arrive
    And the kitty will surely be very alive

    So here's to you, Santa Claus kitty in Christmas basket
    May your holiday be full of love and joy, and not much hassling
    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

  • Christmas Dogs And Cat Under The Tree

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Christmas Dogs And Cat Under The Tree

    Christmas dogs and cats under the tree,
    All snuggled up, as cozy as can be.
    Their tails wag and their purrs are loud,
    As they bask in the warmth of the holiday crowd.

    The fire burns bright, the decorations aglow,
    As the Christmas spirit starts to grow.
    The stockings are hung, the presents wrapped tight,
    All ready for the big surprise on Christmas night.

    The dogs and cats curl up in a ball,
    Dreaming of bones and treats and all.
    They'll wake up bright and early, I'm sure,
    To see what Santa left, and more.

    So let's raise a glass and sing a song,
    To our faithful pets, who love us all year long.
    Merry Christmas, dear dogs and cats,
    You bring joy to our hearts, and that's where it's at.

  • Christmas Cat In Santa Hat

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Christmas Cat In Santa Hat

    'Twas Christmas Eve and all was still,
    The house was quiet, no sound to fill,
    But in the corner, a sight to see,
    A cat in a hat, as jolly as can be.

    With a red and white Santa hat on his head,
    He sat and waited, not a word he said,
    But his eyes were bright, his whiskers twitched,
    He was ready for the fun, he couldn't be outwitted.

    As the children slept, he prowled around,
    Checking the presents, making not a sound,
    He knew that Santa would soon be there,
    Bringing joy and cheer, without a care.

    So the Christmas cat in his Santa hat,
    Sat and waited, and that was that,
    For Christmas morning, when all was bright,
    He'd be there to share the joy, with all his might.

  • Cross Country Skiing

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Cross Country Skiing

    Cross country skiing,
    A winter sport so fine,
    Gliding through the snowy trails,
    With a view that's truly divine,

    The crisp air in our lungs,
    As we push ourselves to the limit,
    Our muscles strong and sure,
    As we glide and we flirt,

    With the snowy landscape before us,
    We feel alive and full of zest,
    Our hearts beating fast,
    As we conquer the trail at last,

    So let us all embrace,
    The joy of cross country skiing,
    And feel the rush of the wind,
    As we glide and we win.

  • Little Girl Playing In Winter Snow

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Little Girl Playing In Winter Snow

    Little girl in the snow,
    So full of joy and wonder,
    Her eyes alight with glee,
    As she plays and frolics carefree,

    She builds a snowman tall and white,
    With a carrot nose and coal for eyes,
    She tosses snowballs at her friends,
    And laughs as they fall and blend,

    She skips and jumps and twirls around,
    Leaving footprints on the frozen ground,
    Her cheeks rosy red,
    As she plays without a care in her head,

    So let us all be young again,
    And feel the joy of snow like her,
    For in the winter wonderland,
    We can all be free and wild.


  • Santa Claus Riding His Motorcycle

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Santa Claus Riding His Motorcycle

    Santa Claus on his motorcycle,
    Riding through the night,
    With a bag of presents by his side,
    And a twinkle in his eye,

    He revs the engine loud,
    As he speeds through the crowd,
    Ho ho ho, he laughs with glee,
    Bringing joy to you and me,

    His red suit billowing in the wind,
    He rides with grace, never looking behind,
    Delivering gifts to every home,
    He never tires, he's never alone,

    So let us all be merry,
    And watch Santa ride his motorcycle,
    Bringing joy and cheer,
    To everyone, far and near.


  • Wolf Girl Enjoying The Snow

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    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Wolf Girl Enjoying The Snow

    Wolf girl in the snow,
    Howling to the moon's glow,
    Fierce and free,
    Running wild and carefree,

    Paws pounding on the ground,
    Leaving tracks all around,
    Ears perked up high,
    Listening to the winter sky,

    Snowflakes falling from above,
    Covering her fur with a winter glove,
    But she doesn't mind the cold,
    For in the snow she feels bold,

    With each breath she takes,
    She howls and shakes,
    Her spirit wild and untamed,
    In the snow she is the same,

    Wolf girl in the snow,
    Howling to the moon's glow,
    A beautiful sight to see,
    Running wild and free.

  • Santa Claus And Polar Bear

    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle
    Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

    Santa Claus And Polar Bear

    Santa Claus and polar bear,
    Two friends so fair,
    One dressed in red,
    The other with fur so white and led,

    Together they roam the snowy lands,
    Delivering presents with cheerful hands,
    Santa on his sleigh,
    The polar bear by his side all the way,

    Through the cold and frosty night,
    They travel with all their might,
    Bringing joy to every girl and boy,
    A sight to behold, oh what a joy!

    So let us all raise a glass,
    To Santa Claus and his trusty polar bear at last,
    May their friendship never fade,
    And their Christmas spirit never be swayed.