Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

Dogs All Dressed Up For Christmas

Free Online JigSaw Puzzle
Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

Dogs All Dressed Up For Christmas

Dogs all dressed up for Christmas,
In their finest holiday gear,
With jingling bells and shining bows,
They bring joy and cheer.

The pugs in their Santa hats,
The hounds in their reindeer suits,
The terriers in their elf garb,
All looking dashing and cute.

They wag their tails with glee,
As they prance around the tree,
Their excitement just can't be contained,
This holiday season is just too great.

But despite all their fancy dress,
They'll still be the same old pup,
Just a little more festive and bright,
Filled with love and cheer, all year round.

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