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Christmas Tree Covered With Angel Dolls

Free Online JigSaw Puzzle
Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

Christmas Tree Covered With Angel Dolls

The Christmas tree stands tall and bright
Covered in angel dolls of every size
Their wings spread wide with such delight
Dancing and twirling in the winter skies

Their rosy cheeks and golden hair
Shine in the glow of the holiday lights
Each one a symbol of love and care
Wrapped up in the magic of the night

As the fire crackles in the hearth
And the snow falls softly from the sky
The angel dolls watch over us with mirth
Blessing us with their sweet lullabies

So let us gather 'round the tree
And thank the angels for their love and grace
For they remind us of all we should be
And bring us joy in this festive place

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