Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

Christmas Stockings Hung

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Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

Christmas Stockings Hung

Christmas stockings hung on the fireplace
Filled with treats and goodies galore
Santa's reindeer prance and play
As the night wears on and the fire roars

Candles flicker, lights twinkle bright
As families gather round the tree
Carols fill the air with delight
As we wait for Santa, so merrily

Gifts are wrapped and placed with care
Under the tree, shining bright
Children's eyes light up with glee
As they wake on Christmas morning, delight

The stockings are emptied, one by one
As the joy of giving fills the air
The love and cheer of Christmas has come
As we gather round the fireplace, all so fair

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