Christmas Kitten Enjoying Fir-Tree Branches

Christmas Kitten Enjoying Fir-Tree Branches
A kitten so small, so sweet and so fine
Is enjoying the branches of our fir-tree shine
She leaps and she pounces, so full of glee
As she plays with the needles, so green and so free
Her paws are so soft, her fur is so bright
As she dances and prances on Christmas Eve night
She chases the ornaments, round and round
Her little tail wagging, with joy she is found
But as the night wears on and the tree starts to sway
The kitten finds a cozy spot, and settles to stay
She curls up and naps, so peaceful and calm
As the fire burns low, and the snow starts to charm
So here's to our kitten, so playful and wild
Who adds to our joy, with each branch she beguiles
May your Christmas be bright, and your new year so sweet
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good treat!