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Christmas December 25th

Free Online JigSaw Puzzle
Free Online JigSaw Puzzle

Christmas December 25th

Christmas, December 25th,
A day of joy and merriment.
Families gather round the tree,
To exchange gifts and share in glee.

The snow is falling gently outside,
As the fire crackles and glows.
The smell of pine and cookies fill the air,
As we celebrate this special day with cheer.

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon will be there.
Children are nestled all snug in their beds,
Dreaming of toys and treats in their heads.

But the true meaning of Christmas is not lost,
For we remember the birth of baby Jesus at any cost.
He came to save us from sin and darkness,
And to bring us eternal life and happiness.

So on this day, let us give thanks,
For the love and the joy that Christmas brings.
And may we carry this spirit with us,
Throughout the year and all our days.

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