Animals That Escaped From the Zoo!
Freedom is something we cherish most. That is why there are so many prison breaks - no one likes to live behind bars, even if they deserved it. This is true not only for people. Zoo employees can confirm: animals love freedom just as much and are always ready to fight for it. History knows many examples of amazing escapes from zoos. And today, we’ll talk about them.
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hi everyone freedom is something we cherish most that's why there are so many prison breaks no one likes to live behind bars even if they deserved it this is true not only for people as well zoo employees can confirm animals love freedom just as much and are always ready to fight for it history knows many examples of amazing escapes from zoos and today we'll talk about them let's get it on orangutan Ken Allen Ken Allen was a Cali Montana orangutan who lived in San Diego Zoo and although he died almost 20 years ago Ken remains one of the most popular animals in the history of this Zoo that's because he became a real escape artist the orangutans even earned the nickname Harry Houdini although Ken was born in captivity in the zoo he clearly didn't like being confined after the orangutans first escape zoo employees began to monitor the animal hoping to find out how he pulled it off but even the disguise didn't help it seems that Ken knew that he was being watched and stayed cautious as a result he escaped his enclosure three times on June the 13th 1985 on July 29th 1985 and on August the 13th 1985 after escaping Ken walked peacefully around the zoo watching his other inhabitants he never showed aggression towards people or other animals but simply studied the zoo as a result the unusual behavior of the orangutan made him pretty famous ken even had his own fan club people sold t-shirts and bumper stickers dedicated to him and they even wrote a song about him Virginia the wolf we of course are not zoologists but we strongly believe that wolves are not supposed to be able to climb trees or fences there paused to start design for this and hunting usually takes place on the ground right but a wolf named Virginia chose not to abide by nature's rules she escaped from the Los Angeles Zoo several times climbing trees and fences and even making her way through the branches perhaps Virginia was raised by squirrels who knows once she left the zoo for a month the employees and vets sometimes saw Virginia and even tried to lure her but with no success but the most interesting thing is that it's unclear whether Virginia was ever recaptured is possible as she now wanders somewhere in the nearby Griffith Park if you happen to be there take a look at the trees you know just in case Goldy the eagle bird-watching is not the most popular hobby but in 1965 about a thousand people gathered in Regent's Park in London to see an eagle named Goldie Goldie escaped from the London Zoo and then he was spotted in Regent's Park although he was also seen in Tottenham Court Road Huston and Camden Town Goldie who had lived at the zoo for five years escaped while his cage was being cleaned and although experts on birds of prey were certain that the eagle could be cause as soon as it gets hungry it turned out the Goldie was a bit smarter than that the eagle was nearly captured at the residence of the American ambassador where Goldie was trying to eat the duck the deed course but he was scared off abandoned its prey and flew away from annoying people Goldie also attached to canned Terriers but members of the watching crowd managed to beat him off finally twelve days after the escape the Eagle was caught after the examination he returned to the cage to his feathered friends and the daring escape of the Eagle doubled the number of visitors to the zoo by the way this was the second time Goldie broke free when he escaped for the first time he was caught and returned to the zoo four days later penguin 337 not only freedom-loving Eagles but also seemingly calm and harmless birds like penguins can become escape artists although if we recall the Penguins from Madagascar movie it becomes clear that these creatures can get out of any zoo kawaski we're only 500 feet from a zoo a one-year-old Humboldt penguin known simply as number 337 escaped from the Tokyo Sea Life Park in the spring of 2012 he scaled the wall and then climbed over the fence and disappeared before the employees could catch him after the penguin escapes the Sea Life Park sent the staff to look for him once the Japanese coast guard spotted a fugitive and followed him boots couldn't catch him as a result the Penguins more than two months outside the zoo it's been spotted several times swimming in rivers running into Tokyo Bay and was eventually caught on one of the banks the penguin was examined by experts but appeared to be in good condition so it seems that the escape didn't actually affect his health at all Cobra from the Bronx Zoo okay all these cases except for the wolf story don't seem to be that dangerous for people but the missing Cobra is not a laughing matter a venomous snake 50 centimeters long escaped from the sir area when there was known around and disappeared when this news became public people began to panic it was unclear where the Cobra was headed the snake could be anywhere literally sounds like a worst nightmare ever but while the world followed the search for the snake the zoo staff continued to insist that it was probably still somewhere nearby and they were right six days later the Cobra showed up about 30 meters away from its terrarium he was coiled in a dark corner and showed no signs of aggression the employees did a pretty good job praising comfortable conditions to the snake too they dimmed the light and scattered wood chips that smelled like mice on the floor yeah Cobras have a rather specific idea of comfort as a result with the help of special devices zoo workers snatched the fugitive and returned it to the terrarium no one was hurt rusty the red panda the red pandas are perhaps the cutest creatures on the planet turns out they're also pretty smart in any case smart enough to escape a male red panda named rusty disappeared from the National Zoo in Washington in 2013 the keepers last saw and when they fed him on Sunday nights but in the morning he was not in that cage how he managed to get out is still a mystery people were really worried because the animal could get hurt or someone could have taken him the fact is that red pandas look a bit like raccoons and a passerby could have mistaken rusty for an unusual raccoon and taken him in addition the animal would have simply nothing to eat and might not adapt world of Washington's climbers but don't worry this story ended well rusty was found in the Adams Morgan neighborhood and returned to the zoo flamingos 492 flamingo number 492 along with accomplice tagged as three four seven escapes the zoo in Wichita Kansas in 2005 flamingo number 492 was born in Tanzania moved to South Africa and then to the United States although their feathers were clipped at the zoo this didn't stop the fugitives and they broke free unlike the birds mentioned today this couple didn't stay in one place for a long time and about a month later they left the state the researchers believe after a while number three for seven died and the number 492 found a new companion it turned out to be extremely tenacious for a bird from another continent the last time the freedom-loving flamingo was seen was in 2018 that is 13 years after the escape seems now that number 492 settled down in Texas since flamingos can live for even 40 years most likely we will hear more about this bird three kangaroos as you already learned today sometimes animals escaped together with their accomplices and sometimes they might be very very strange these three kangaroos escaped from the German Zoo with the help of a wild fox and a wild boar who literally dug a tunnel well it's unlikely that all three of them came up with this elaborate plan on purpose but still first a wild boar dug a hole under the exterior fence at the zoo and through this hole a pair of kangaroos escaped into the wild and then the Fox did the same thing she dug a hole to help another kangaroo escape the zoo staff managed to catch a couple of fugitives quickly but it took them a loss of time to find the third kangaroo as a result all three animals were returned to the enclosures in the holes that the dog was filled in Kaka the honey badger in 2010 employees of the Prague zoo said that one of the honey badgers was on the run a ten year old female honey badger named Kaka presumably climbed over a two meter high fence how did she do it that well don't underestimate honey badgers they are considered the most fearless creatures in the world honey badgers hunt venomous snakes and deer attack lions and Jen they do whatever they want in addition these small animals are very smart so we wouldn't be surprised if it turned out the catcher made a makeshift stepladder remove its mr. cake zoo employees receive many tips from people but none of them actually help to find the honey badger alas we don't know how this story ended let's just hope that the animal is alright monarch the lion imagine you're an elderly woman living in Belfast Northern Ireland one morning you look out the window and suddenly you see a lion sitting in your garden a real huge lion this is exactly what happened to this elderly woman in 1977 a lion named monarch escaped from the circus and for some reason decided that someone's garden was a perfect place to stay the old lady who saw the animal immediately fainted after some time they managed to lure the predator out of the garden and with the help of specially trained people and barriers forced it into a cage monarch returned to the circus and soon the poor woman recovered from the shock and even agreed to pet the lion dude are you looking for new technologies and great gadgets are your thoughts focused on the future deal off huge vehicles and can't imagine your life without robots around here and visit tech zone and you'll find all this and more the link is in the description you interested great [Music] [Music]