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7 Mythical Creatures That Existed in Real Life Video

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7 Mythical Creatures That Existed in Real Life Video





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seven mythical creatures that existed in real life for the most part myths are stories of old once told by those who wanted to explain a phenomenon or by parents who wanted to scare their kids into good behavior but because we're so much more rational than our ancestors were we modern humans know better than to believe in them most of us anyway we're looking at you bigfoot hunters but what if you knew that some mythical creatures actually existed or at least we're based on reality how would you feel knowing you're sharing the planet with terrifying vampire-like creatures and gigantic deep-sea krakens well you're about to find out while most myths are based on nothing but a bag of popcorn today we're counting down seven mythical creatures that existed in real life welcome to another episode of forevergreen and if you're wondering whether the werewolf is more than just a legend then you'll definitely want to stick around for number one because you'll be terrified strap in and let's get started number seven vampire deers the vampire deer a real-life mythical monster looking like an animal out of a blade movie these unique deers grow some pretty scary looking teeth the term vampire deer is actually a nickname for a chinese water deer which despite its name is mostly to be found in european countries the thought of encountering a blood-sucking deer in the forest is quite unnerving to say the least but don't fret these guys couldn't suck your blood even if they wanted to because those teeth are just for show while you'd expect a male deer to grow horns on top of its head like the rest of the species this specific subspecies of musk deer grows vampire-like fangs from its upper jaw instead it's cute teddy-like features coupled with those long canine teeth make them look like something straight out of a fairy tale these white-bellied musk deer are an endangered species highly vulnerable due to their prized musk pod commonly used as a base note and expensive perfumery there are only a few surviving in the world meaning these wonderful creatures may soon become a myth after all [Music] number six krakens for centuries people have spun tales of sea monsters with giant tentacles that drag people to their doom but is there any truth to such tentacled fables supposedly this mythical octopus lurks in dark waters just waiting to grab at your entire boat with its giant tentacles and drag you down to the depths of the ocean ancient fishermen said the kraken was roughly the size of a number of small islands but scientists today are pretty sure the legends are based on very real giant squid the largest of these elusive giants ever found weighed nearly a ton and measured 59 feet in life which is about the length of 10 average humans at least one paleontologist believes he found evidence of triassic squid that were up to 100 feet in length though his theory is not yet well supported and while large squids have been proven to exist the tales of the kraken may have been a little over exaggerated it's also unlikely they were particularly fond of sinking ships or suctioning off the faces of quirky pirates perhaps it was the fear factor the fishermen had during their encounter with these giant squid that made them appear even bigger and gave way to all kinds of myths before we move on here's a quick challenge for you if you can leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and turn on the notifications in less than 5 seconds you will have 10 years of amazing luck hurry up and try it it actually works number five hobbits everyone knows hobbits as the mythical creatures that once saved middle earth from a treacherous piece of jewelry but what's less common knowledge is that a small statute race of proto-humans with primitive feet really did walk the earth with larger humans about 200 000 years ago in 2003 archaeologists found the remains of a three foot tall adult female in a cave on a remote indonesian island initially they speculated the skeleton might have belonged to a person with dwarfism which is nothing new but what set this skeleton apart was the presence of extremely large primitive feet though scientists failed to mention if they were particularly hairy there also appears to be a disappointing lack of evidence of elvish ears so scientists may not be as quick to bind to the existence of hobbits as lord of the rings fans would since 2003 scientists have found far more examples of these real-life hobbits and have since classified them as homo florenciensis no they did not find them in the shire and no one really knows how these olden day hobbits went extinct but it's nice to think of them as mythical creatures number four chupacabras the chupacabra is not only downright terrifying but it's not as old and mythical as you probably thought it was the chupacabra is a vampiric creature first sighted at the beginning of the century in puerto rico which means it's not only latin but it's a millennial as well chupacabra is spanish for goat sucker but it's also been said to drain the blood of dogs cats chickens rabbits and other domesticated animals now we're not so sure about the bloodsucking part but there is evidence that such a creature exists as people have actually killed or found corpses of animals believed to be chupacabras finders usually describe them as having a dog-like appearance with thick hairless skin like an elephant chupacabra corpses almost always turn out to be coyotes suffering from a severe form of mange a disease which causes them to lose their hair and look terrifying if you've ever been shocked by the sight of a hairless chihuahua you can probably see how a person might mistake a hairless coyote for a blood-sucking monster well there's an easily solved mystery number three bunips the bunyip is a little like australia's loch ness monster in that it lives in swamps and rivers and has never been photographed despite the fact that hundreds of people claim to have seen it the bunyip is an aboriginal legend said to look like a cross between a crocodile and a horse and according to australian history the name means devil supposedly bun yips stalk and kill human beings and are said to make an unnerving hollow boom sound like a shotgun but there may be some proof of its existence or at least enough to trace back its mythical origins in 1839 the remains of an animal called a dipper dawn were discovered in australia which proved that a huge rhino-sized marsupial similar in appearance to what people described as the bunyip indeed once roamed the outback it's unlikely they stalked and ate humans as the diprodon was actually an herbivore but it's not hard to imagine that an angry dipther don would react similarly to an angry rhino or hippo when disturbed by humans who hunted them dipperdons died out about twenty thousand to forty thousand years ago which was long after the arrival of the aboriginal people this suggests the legends might have come from real life encounters between humans and these real life bunyips number 2 dragons 4th century bc chinese historian changku once discussed dragon remains that were found in the region that is now known as the sichuan province it's likely that similar fossils were also known in europe giving rise to the stories and legends of fire-breathing monsters one probable hypothesis for the origin of the dragon legend is the discovery of dinosaur bones such as those of the dracoryx hogwartia dracorix harwarsia was a 25 foot long dragon-like dinosaur and its name is greek for dragon king of hogwarts yes the fossilized dinosaur got its name from a bunch of school kids but if fossils aren't enough to inspire the imagination it's also likely that medieval people encountered actual dragons in indonesia home with a fearsome komodo dragon according to the smithsonian wild komodo dragons can weigh more than 150 pounds and can exceed 10 feet in length and unlike what most of us are taught to believe medieval dragons weren't necessarily enormous raphael's famous painting of saint george and the dragon depicted a beast no larger than a lion not too far off from a real-life komodo sorry to burst your bubble there but neither of these creatures had wings so it's unlikely the dragons were ever ridden by blonde khaleesis and incinerated entire armories of white walkers but if you put a medieval knight in the same room as a dracorix hogwartsia or komodo dragon chances are you'd probably believe dragons were real it is now time for today's subscriber pick today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber wondering about this mythical creature if you two come across a photo online and want us to look into it just send it over to us and we may even feature it in one of our future videos so we looked into this four-eyed goat with four horns and the only thing that comes close is this footage we discovered of a not-so-mythical two-headed goat its mutation is actually the result of a well-known genetic disorder so it's more likely this legendary picture was photoshopped oh well but let us make it up to you with our final mythical creature theory on today's list before we reveal number one be sure to check out other amazing videos on our channel and give us a like if you enjoyed this video so far tell us in comments which one of these you like the most and why number one werewolves before you go nuts thinking guys like taylor lautner and their impossible six packs can shapeshift into vicious wolves sorry but the sexy werewolf is definitely a millennial legend however there is a pretty logical explanation that may have given way to the myths you see back in medieval times there was no such thing as vaccination and rabies was common not only in wild animals but also in the family dog and a bite from a rabid animal could transform an upright gentleman into an irrational crawling drooling animal that might attack and bite his or her friends and loved ones if he was in a mood once a person was bitten there was no way to stop the virus from taking over and if that person happened to be particularly hairy well you can see how the werewolf legend might have been born and that's it for the mythical creatures that existed in real life did we miss out on any let us know in the comments below if you've ever encountered a living legend so you


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