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21 Coincidences That Are Unbelievable Video

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Added by Mel in Variety


21 Coincidences That Are Unbelievable





Video Script:: 

hi everyone sometimes we learn a new word and the next day we see it in some article or we think about an old friend that we haven't seen for ages and in a couple of hours he suddenly sends you a message saying that he wants to meet up yes there are thousands of coincidences in our lives many of which can't be explained logically well some of them are so funny that you begin to believe in fate today we will tell you some stories that will prove that accidents are not accidental let's get it on perhaps there's nothing worse than a fly that's flown into the house through an open window in the middle of the night he'll hardly be able to fall asleep to the sound of the annoying buzzing you have to get out of bed take a magazine or a fly swatter and chase the insect around the room like a madman this is not an easy task too flies are quite fast and agile it will take a fair amount of dexterity and a bit of luck to win this battle although you probably won't get as lucky as the users who took these photos the fly flew right into the flyswatter and got stuck in it we can only wish everybody was so lucky and this annoying insect apparently didn't even manage to get into the room well no regrets here no one likes it when these pesky insects buzz over someone's ear and sit down on the delicious dishes on the family table some drivers hide the license plate number on their cars when they want to avoid paying for parking of course this is illegal and can result in a huge fine however sometimes reckless drivers escape the fine by accident just like in this story when the street camera recorded a car speeding a bird flew right past the lens and the most amazing thing is that it covered the entire license plate with its wing isn't this lucky well the internet had different opinions about this photo some believe that it was real others thought that originally the photo featured only a parked car and the camera was triggered by the movements of the bird who flew by what do you think every day many amazing things happen around us many of which we often don't notice someone is late for work or an important meeting and some people are just walking down the street staring at their phones we bet that most of you wouldn't have noticed that there was something wrong with the tree in this photo or rather the tree is fine but take a closer look in fact only half of the tree is captured in the photo while the lower part is just a shadow on the fence as they say beauty lies in the details when you drive past incredible natural landscapes it is easy to stare at this beauty and get a bit distracted but the user who took this photo was extremely attentive so much so that he even managed to create a real masterpiece the van with a picturesque image in the back was driving along the highway right in front of him at some point it lined up perfectly with a surrounding scenery blue sky coniferous trees and majestic mountains and even if it is photoshopped it's still very impressive do you know why there's an additional hole on the side of sinks and bathtubs yes it is here for a reason the purpose is simple prevents a flood if the water overwhelms the drain but this time something went wrong the jet is directed right into that very hole what is the meaning of the solution is not entirely clear but in general the structure of the sink doesn't change much but in this case the plumbers clearly miscalculated the trajectory and direction of the water jet as a result everyone who opens the tap ends up wet try explaining to your date how this could happen and what's going on in this photo a gathering of fans of light pink blouses or three sisters who wore the same clothes since childhood decided to have a snack in a diner actually these people are complete strangers apparently that day they were in the mood for pink imagine you wake up in the morning before the flight check your suitcases put on your favorite blue shirts and a fashionable knitted cardigan and then you look around and see a person in exactly the same outfit probably even the most positive person would be a little embarrassed this seems to be exactly what happened to the guys in this picture well we can understand them meeting a person with brightly coloured hair is no longer uncommon these days perhaps in the subway of any major city you'll see a dozen of them during just one ride but what is the chance of bumping into a stranger with the same shade of hair outerwear and accessories perhaps almost zero but the girl in this photo proved sometimes incredible coincidences do happen while waiting in line to the new york metropolitan museum of art she met her doppelganger the same blue hair a mustard scarf and a beige coat yeah a real glitch in the matrix this looks like someone's been messing around with the shortcuts ctrl and c and ctrl v again you are looking at two identical visitors in a line to disneyland in california we wonder if their faces are identical as well that'd be even creepier this has got to be a glitch in the matrix again car key must have been trendy the year this photo was taken at least the girls jeans are different change the game is the slogan of one of the advertising campaigns of the american brand mike's drink for some time the company produced billboards with this caption and another slogan if it ain't broke break it with a subtle message to the society apparently someone took the slogan a bit too seriously and decided to act on it it looks quite comical don't you think dark humor is a complicated thing some people can't stand it and others say that you can make fun of anything it helps to cope with problems and deal with painful experiences everyone is entitled to their opinion but it does seem like fate sometimes has a quite dark sense of humor otherwise how would we explain this photo an overturned car next to thee thank you for driving carefully sign let's be honest sometimes we try to find a hidden meaning and divine providence when neither of those are involved this person for example bought a special knife for slicing pizza imagine his surprise when the tool turned out to have a serial number p177a almost identical to the english word pizza however his joy did not last long experts from the internet quickly explained this serial number is assigned to all the knives of that type produced by that brand not everyone has a good memory for names or memorable names really say my name but this guy was born for his job look how impressive his name looks next to his place of employment sergeant paul powelos of the saint paul police now that's the name that you won't forget you're goddamn right anyone who's ever tried to find a job will probably get this photo to say that it's hard to do is to say nothing any employer wants a specialist who's just graduated to have tons of experience be ready for multitasking and any challenges that's why the dumpster that happened to be standing next to the accepting resumes posted in this photo looks so relevant thankfully there are not that many talented thieves in our world who can cover their tracks and walk free for decades there are many more of those who after watching enough movies about bad guys decide to rob a bank and screwed up eric rivers of gwinnett county georgia made several raids on banks in the city of lawrenceville and even successfully fled from the crime scenes however the thing is a few days later he decided to give an interview to a local tv channel although it had nothing to do with the crimes it greatly facilitated the police work after all in his desire to be famous eric even gave the reporters his full name after hearing this story all you can do is face palm people who know their destiny since childhood are quite rare perhaps in some sense they're quite lucky no agony of choosing a profession after school or uncertainty about the future here is a story about one such person a couple of decades ago the boy from this photo went to an air show with his grandfather and uncle then let him take a photo in the cockpit of an american bell oh-58 gear or helicopter the child was so inspired by what he saw that he decided to become a pilot when he grew up so what you might say every little kid dreams of becoming a pilot or an astronaut that is true but in this case the dream really came true 20 years later when the hero of the story had already been an active pilot for some time he came across this photo in an old album it suddenly dawned on him that for the last month he'd been flying a helicopter of the same model just in case the guy decided to check with the authorities what the registration number of the aircraft was he was clearly visible in the photo from his childhood it turned out that all that time he was flying the very same helicopter isn't it a dream come true probably every couple in love wants to believe that they were destined to be together however in some extremely rare cases it seems the fate is indeed involved this happens to jordan and ryan spencer from new jersey who accidentally found a proof that they'd met before the couple found one of the videos from 20 years ago in the jordan family archives it turned out that ryan made a surprise appearance on a tape from 1988 the video was filmed at a water park in langhorne pennsylvania where both spouses were taken by their parents on the very same day keep in mind that not everyone had a camera back then before the era of smartphones and cameras more than that they later found out that a year before that jordan and ryan had also gone to the same rolling stance concert truly a love story worthy of a hollywood rom-com one day a university professor suggested that one of his students apply for the conference grace hopper's celebration of women in computing named in honor of grace hopper a true pioneer in the world of programming of the 20th century at first she thought that it would be too presumptuous and doubted whether to do it or not a couple of days later she accidentally found a six-year-old t-shirt in her house guess what was on it that's right the logo of the conference the girl decided that it was a sign of face and applied a few weeks later she received an invitation of course you might think that this was just a coincidence but we advise you to listen carefully to what the universe has to tell you we don't know if the person in this video is a musician or a racer or maybe just office plankton with a good sense of humor in any case hearing the strange sounds of this malfunctioning tap he decided to turn the sink into a ferrari engine well at least that's what it sounds like how is this even possible hey buddy are you tired of watching videos about cute animals and heartwarming stories you need something more serious in your life tough cars cool robots and the most unusual gadgets in the world get the high-tech adrenaline rush you need on techsound subscribe now we are waiting for you [Music] you


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