2 Whales Follow A Surfer. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
2 Whales Follow A Surfer. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
Video Script::
hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet this pannel surfer in Australia was relaxing in the water when two whales started to follow a crowd of people got onto an elevator to pull off a prank the elevator made an announcement that too many people are on and someone needs a leave [Music] Oh [Music] they stopped her before she left to tell her that it was all a joke this person likes to help their camp with cleaning itself this student had a question for his teacher while taking an online course this is a machine with 100 individual gears in order to make the last gear at the end make one full rotation the first gear needs to be spun a googol amount of times that's the number one with 100 zeros after it long story short it would take more energy in the entire universe just to rotate the very last gear check out this incredible view in Greece that's the end of this video I hope you learned something new and I'll see you guys again very very soon letter