10 Most Beautiful Finches in the World Video
10 Most Beautiful Finches in the World Video
Video Script::
birds are always fascinating looking at their beautiful and colorful bodies compels you to praise the skills of God today we have brought you ten of the most beautiful species of Finch birds finches are a type of birds with over 40 species they are popular songbirds and are more common in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere house finches are preferred as the finches to be kept as pets but finches generally have very little ability to adapt to life near human beings today many finches are endangered possibly due to habitat destruction natural disasters and their over collection from forests and now here are the ten most beautiful finch species number 10 the orange weaver finch the orange Weaver is a lovely bird and is native to central and western Africa these birds are sexually dimorphic and their plumage varies seasonally they have red to orange plumage pale gray or reddish brown eyes a cream-colored belly brown wings and a pale bill this pretty bird favors swamps thickets coastal lagoons and major African rivers the orange Weaver feeds on seeds fruits and insects such as beetles locusts and caterpillars their nests are made by males from palm strips and grass the female orange Weaver lays two eggs and incubates them alone number nine the woodpecker Finch the woodpecker Finch is an elegant bird from the family of finches it has a relatively long bill and a short tongue compared to the other species of Darwin's finches the diet of this attractive bird consists of arthropods insects and larvae moths crickets and caterpillars an interesting fact about this bird is that it uses sticks twigs or cactus as tools the woodpecker Finch uses lichens moss and grass for building a nest females lay two to three eggs and the chicks fledge around two weeks after hatching the woodpecker Finch is 15 centimetres in length and its weight is 22 31 grams number 8 the ha finch [Music] the HOF inch is a stunning bird in the Finch family it has short pinkish legs brown eyes gray neck and back an orange head and a black throat they are found in eastern Asia Europe Alaska and Tunisia the hot Finch is difficult to study and observe because of its shine Eicher this magnificent bird feeds on seeds from trees and fruit seeds during winter these birds usually eat in groups periodical variations can be observed in their flight pattern during long flights number seven the star finch the star Finch is an alluring finch species that is found in northern Australia it has a crimson head yellow-green upper and lower plumage a yellow belly and white spots on under parts the juvenile star Finch is olive or brown with a gray head and face the star Finch feeds on canary seeds millet green leaf lettuce carrots eggs and spinach this pleasing bird is peaceful and is a good candidate for a mixed aviary its song is quiet but pleasing and the male also dances for the hen in order to attract her the star finch favors the habitats of bushes near creeks and swamps or tall grass number 6 the green winged Pattillo finch the green winged patil eeeh is a heavenly bird that is native to africa the male has a gray head red beet olive green wings back and chest a white belly red tail and flesh colored legs the female bird has a gray chest and head red beak green wings and back a red tail and rump and grayish legs juveniles are brown gray with a black beak greyish legs and olive green wings this glamorous bird is an insectivore but sometimes also feeds on grass seeds the green winged patella is monogamous and should be housed one pair per enclosure the female bird lays three to six eggs that are incubated by both parents for 12 to 13 days number five the double barred finch the double barred finch is a pretty bird that is found in eastern and northern australia it is also known as the elfin CH or Bishan o--'s finch the double barred finch is highly gregarious this lovely bird constructs its nest from grass bushes or low trees and the nest contains four to six eggs the lifespan of the double barred finch is six to seven years number four the red Ovid Ovid Finch the red Ovid Offit is an attractive bird from the Finch family it has a rounded black Bill and tail red rump and upper parts white spots on the body and feathers and a black eye stripe this bird flies with rapid wing beats and is usually seen in small flocks the red Ovid Avot feeds on grass seeds and sometimes on termites when they are available this elegant birds beak darkens during November and begins to turn red in May in April its beak turns rapidly to black and the cycle continues number three the lavender wax bill Finch the lavender wax bill is a stunning bird that is found in Central Africa and was successfully introduced in Hawaii the male is bright silvery gray with a pale chest and throat the female is similar to the male in appearance but has darker under parts the lavender wax bill favors bushy and grassy habitats this magnificent bird sings a thin and squeaky song it's diet includes live food green food grass and small plant seeds and ripe fruits they favor short grass along thickets semi-arid grassland garden shrubs and the edges of cultivation the female lavender wax bill lays four to six eggs that incubate over a period of 12 to 15 days number two the gray crowned Rosie Finch the gray crowned Rosie Finch is a pleasing bird that is native to Canada Alaska and the United States it has a brown breast and back pink wings and under parts a black throat and forehead and a gray head they build their nest from lichens moss roots grass and sedge females lay three to five eggs that are incubated for two weeks during the breeding season the male bird defends the female and their territory this alluring bird feeds on insects and often feeds in small flocks the gray crowned Rosie Finch is very environmentally specific their body weight is 22 to 60 grams and its length is 140 to 160 millimeters before we reveal number one on our list be sure to check out our other amazing animal videos give us a like and tell us in the comments which one of these beautiful finches is your favorite number one the crimson Finch the crimson Finch is a very glamorous bird and tops our list of the ten most beautiful Finch species it is native to New Guinea and northern Australia [Music] this small-sized bird has a bright crimson colored long tail and is gray around the neck area with white specks across the sides of its body males have longer tails and bills and are heavier than females the crimson finch favors habitats near wetlands that have an abundance of pandanus trees they are also known as the killer finch or the blood finch because of its aggressive nature the life expectancy of this heavenly bird is about five years in the wild thanks for watching our videos please give us a like and make sure you check out all our other animal videos and leave your opinion about the Finch birds in the comments section see you next time