10 Dangerous Plants You’d Better Stay Away From
When you’re out in the wild, there’s always the chance of stumbling upon a poisonous plant. While adults will probably just pass by, kids could suffer from their curiosity. Many dangerous plants are grown as decorations and can be found not only in the woods but also in our homes and gardens.
For example, spurge occurs everywhere. It can often be seen even in our houses. A huge number of species belongs to the Euphorbia genus. Teach your children not to touch unfamiliar plants, even if they grow in pots. Why is it dangerous? The sap leaves blisters, later joined by indisposition, swellings, and fever.
Cowbane or Water Hemlock 0:36
Elder 1:10
Oleander 1:50
Aconite or Wolf’s Bane 2:28
Jimsonweed 3:02
Hogweed 3:44
Spurge 4:13
Rhubarb 4:47
Belladonna 5:19
Castor Bean 5:57
- Glenda Added Very helpful and a bit scary, according to this report, I should be dead or on my way out. I've been enjoying foliage that should have killed me or made me deathly sick. Guess the saying is true, "God protects babies and fools"!