Pets And Animals
Baby Elephant Wan Mai And Her Remarkable Attachment With Two Guardians - ElephantNews #Video
Added 559 Views / 0 LikesEven though baby elephant Wan Mai grows up with such confidence, and can be naughty at times, as should be expected, she is always respectful and exhibits such gentle affection toward her mother and nanny to whom she owes her strong character. Please enjo
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Daily Routine - ElephantNews #Video
Added 506 Views / 0 LikesIt has been more than two years since baby elephant Wan Mai arrived at Elephant Nature Park. The cute little baby girl has become a big and naughty one today, but what a joy to behold. She still plays exuberantly as before, ever curious and bounding for e
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Enjoy Water When Gardener Turn Sprinklers On - ElephantNews #Video
Added 430 Views / 0 LikesWanMai always overflows with exuberant living, and ready to meet with an intrepid spirit anything that the world brings to her doorstep. When the gardener turns on the sprinklers for watering the fields and gardens, Wan Mai engages this opportunity with e
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Enjoying With The Natural Pond - ElephantNew #Video
Added 588 Views / 0 Likes#WanMai #BabyElephant #Rain #SaveElephantFoundationHeavy rain create the pond at Elephant Nature Park. Baby elephant Wan Mai take this opportunity to enjoy herself by rolling and run around. Learn More :
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Have A Great Fun With The Broken Water Pipe - ElephantNews #Video
Added 789 Views / 0 LikesMeanwhile waiting for the staff to fix the broken water pipe at Elephant Nature Park. Baby elephant Wan Mai take this opportunity to enjoy her own fountain. Let’s watch how cute she is! Learn More:
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Outing Video
Added 1,038 Views / 0 LikesWatch the baby elephant Wan Mai enjoying in the swimming pool with the ball and run freely at Elephant Nature Park. Learn More:
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Play A Big Ball #Video
Added 589 Views / 0 LikesWanMai is replete with a confident, exuberance of life. She lives in a world that we scarcely understand and far too often underestimate. Play is the nature of every child, regardless of species. It is the distinct learning ground for a creative life as a
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Run To See Her Friend And Have A Conversation - ElephantNews #Video
Added 629 Views / 0 LikesBaby Wan Mai is a confident youngster. The world that has enveloped her to present is becoming a bit too small for Wan Mai. She now ventures further from the apron strings to make new friends - in the past with buffalo, but now with her own kind. Watch wh
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Show How To Mud Spa By Herself - ElephantNews #Video
Added 619 Views / 0 LikesWhile mud, for an adult elephant, typically plays a purely functional role as protecting the skin from sun, insects and cold weather, for a youngster like baby elephant Wan Mai, mud provides an endless source of playful exploration and fun at Elephant Nat
Baby Elephant Wan Mai Try Make Friend With Buffalo #Video
Added 548 Views / 0 LikesAlways under the watchful eyes of her mother and nanny, baby Wan Mai tries to solidly her friendship with certain buffaloes. Mae Mai, her mother, isn't quite certain of this odd affection, but she is tolerant at Elephant Nature Park. Learn More: https://s
Baby Elephant Wan Mai VS Tire - ElephantNews #Video
Added 739 Views / 0 LikesThe more she plays is the more she learns. This video was captured by our mahout who looks after baby elephant Wan Mai, Enjoy watching she grow up and enjoy her life without abuse at Elephant Nature Park.
Baby Elephant WanMai makes a Trumpet Sound While Playing In The River with MaeMai and SriNuan #Video
Added 390 Views / 0 LikesA life of freedom to enjoy their world and for children to play and trumpet and exclamatewith their mother and Nannie’s, well, isn’t that an appropriate life for all captive elephants ?! I hope that you enjoy watching WanMai in the river today
Baby Elephant's Family Comes Charging In To Thank Rescuers #video
Added 670 Views / 0 LikesBaby elephant's family comes charging in to thank rescuers for saving her
Baby Elephants are So Clumsy! | First Year on Earth
Added 10.8k Views / 0 LikesNewborn elephants are the biggest babies on earth, in more ways than one.
Baby Elephants First Water Trip | The Long Walk Home | BBC Earth
Added 1,305 Views / 0 LikesTraversing the elephant highways of the Kalahari Desert is thirsty work, especially for this hour-old elephant calf on his first ever trip to water. Thousands upon thousands of elephants struggle through a dust-laden, apocalyptic landscape. Whirlwinds of
Baby Elephants vs. The Hose Pipe! - ElephantNews #Video
Added 563 Views / 0 LikesJoin the adorable baby elephants LekLek and SaNgae as they take on the hosepipe. Watch as they both playfully interact with the hosepipe while the gardening staff try to water the grounds at Elephant Nature Park. Don't miss out on the fun and mischief the