Pets And Animals
Baby Elephant PyiMai Come To Greeting A New Rescued Baby Chaba - ElephantNews #Video
Added 843 Views / 0 LikesWatch the moment of baby elephant PyiMai (Left) come to visit a new rescued baby elephant "Chaba" at Elephant Nature Park. Learn More:
Baby Elephant Quickly Grabbed Watermelons To Eat - ElephantNews #Video
Added 444 Views / 0 LikesEvery day, our mahouts take fruit from the elephant kitchen to satisfy our elephants' appetites. These are just snacks. Their main food is corn stalk and grasses. Before any fruit is served, it is thoroughly cleaned in the elephant kitchen. Today, mahouts
Baby Elephant Sa Nga (Jai dee) Enjoying Play Time With A Tiny Ball #Video
Added 435 Views / 0 LikesAt first, the sight of the tiny ball perplexes Sa Ngae. Head hovering over it, he looks at the ball with wonder, and filled with the curiosity of a child, he begins to investigate in an effort to grasp what it is before him. He tries to use his trunk and
Baby Elephant Sa-Ngae And Her Nanny Keep Asking The Food From Camera Man - ElephantNews #Video
Added 687 Views / 0 LikesWhile our mahouts were busy with their duties, Sa Ngae roamed about his place with his nanny, SookSai, never far away. Sa Ngae could smell food in the cameraman's pocket as he filmed the elephants. SaNgae kept following the cameraman's every step, determi
Baby Elephant Sa-Ngae Enjoy Mud In The Raining Day Under Taking Care Of His Family - ElephantNews #V
Added 329 Views / 0 LikesOn a rainy day at Elephant Nature Park, it creates the perfect playground for baby elephant Sa - Ngae and his herd! Just like human babies, play is vitally important for elephant babies to learn, bond, and of course, have fun! Watch as he runs and rolls a
Baby Elephant Separated From His Mom Cries For Help #Video
Added 581 Views / 0 LikesBaby elephant cries for his mom while people give her CPR — watch what happens when she wakes up
Baby Elephant Slowly Crawled Down To The River To Find Her Friend - ElephantNews #Video
Added 836 Views / 0 LikesDuring the rainy season, the water in the river rises. For the elephant calves Chaba and Pyimai, the rising water is exciting. Pyimai wastes no time in going down to play at Elephant Nature Park, but Chaba, being smaller, must summon a little courage befo
Baby Elephant Sneaking Out From His Enclosure At The End Of The Day - ElephantNews #Video
Added 1,182 Views / 0 LikesAt the end of the day, all elephants return to their shelters for dinner and a night of rest. However, there is one particular elephant who has his own agenda. Sa Ngae (Jai Dee) has figured out a few ways to escape his enclosure and have some fun. He eage
Baby Elephant Take A Nap On A Freshly Sand Piles - ElephantNews #Video
Added 413 Views / 0 LikesEven though it's midday, these 2 little girls are sleepy after full bellies and a morning of vigorous play. Freshly delivered piles of sand make a perfect place to take a nap. Baby elephant Chaba and PyiMai avail themselves of this opportunity to recharge
Baby Elephant Teaches Us How To Live Playfully - ElephantNews #Video
Added 506 Views / 0 LikesAll of us experience great delight to watch the young one immersed in play and exploration. When does playfulness and a sense of adventure depart from us? Play is a most wonderful teacher. Learning in this way cannot be understated at any age. Learn More:
Baby Elephant Tries To Figure It Out How To Eat Grass On The Top Of Cement Pipe - ElephantNews #Vide
Added 551 Views / 0 LikesAfter enjoying a meal with their elders, Pyi Mai and Chaba explore their turf and find a tuft of grass growing on the top of a cement scratch post. Intrigued by this potentially tasty treat, which eluded their grasp, the two baby elephants tried to figure
Baby Elephant Try To Make Friend With Dog - ElephantNews #Video
Added 603 Views / 0 Likes#BabyElephant #PyiMai #DogWatch the adorable moment of baby elephant Pyi Mai attempt a new friendship with the dog at Elephant Nature Park. Learn More:
Baby Elephant Wan Mae Can Not Wait To Investigate The New Soil - ElephantNews #Video
Added 459 Views / 0 LikesWhenever truckloads of red dirt are delivered, all elephants wait in anticipation. Everyone likes the dirt so much. After a few days, the pile of soil will be scattered, and the tractor will readjust the soil. Little Wan Mai waits eagerly for the tractor
Baby Elephant Wan Mai & Bai Toey And Their Life After 2 Families Joined - ElephantNews #Video
Added 436 Views / 0 LikesAn elephant's natural life is to live in a herd, with all of the complex social and political mores intact and adhered to by all. The captive elephant has no recollection of this life, other than when bearing children into this world and being preferred t
Baby Elephant Wan Mai And Her Remarkable Attachment With Two Guardians - ElephantNews #Video
Added 558 Views / 0 LikesEven though baby elephant Wan Mai grows up with such confidence, and can be naughty at times, as should be expected, she is always respectful and exhibits such gentle affection toward her mother and nanny to whom she owes her strong character. Please enjo