Videos Section 2
Texpedition - Dallas (Texas Country Reporter)
Added 937 Views / 0 LikesGet our travel ideas on a Texpedition to Dallas. Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden: Jimmy's Food Store: 6th Floor Museum: Like Texas Country Reporter on Facebook: TCR
That Is NOT A Catfish On The End Of The Line
Added 977 Views / 0 LikesSee what I found on a noodle near our campsite. It wasn't what I expected. Kayaking and camping at Lake Fausse Point State Park, St. Martinville, La., will never be the same.
That's Christmas To Me - Pentatonix
Added 829 Views / 0 LikesThat's Christmas To Me - Pentatonix
The 16 Most Rebellious Things To Ever Happen
Added 823 Views / 0 LikesWe won't bow down to your social constructs.
The Amazing Grace Christmas House - Holdman Christmas
Added 975 Views / 0 LikesThe Amazing Grace Christmas House was located in Pleasant Grove, Utah and designed and programmed by Richard Holdman. A small little charity box placed in front of the display has raised more than $40,000 for the Utah Make-a-Wish Foundation. Thank you eve
The Amazing Parkour Cat Escape Artist Jax
Added 709 Views / 0 LikesSpiderman Cat Jax, one of the office cats at the Katzenhaus is a cunning Russian Blue who is blind in one eye, yet he has learned how to escape quickly from the Catio at his house. There are 5 other cats here who cannot do what he can do.. He has figured
The Amazing Piano Genius Derek Paravicini!
Added 888 Views / 0 LikesPiano playing savant: Derek Paravicini
The Amazing Red Crab Of Christmas Island
Added 804 Views / 0 LikesChristmas Island, discovered December 25, 1643, is just a spec of land in the Indian Ocean. The annual red crab migration at the beginning of the rainy season, however, is so massive it can be seen from the air. It has been named a wonder of the natural w
The Animal Kingdom Shares Their Favourite #BBCMoments
Added 827 Views / 0 LikesSome of our animal friends from years of natural history film-making share their top BBC moments with us.
The Art Of Romance As Told By Cats And Dogs
Added 922 Views / 0 LikesA love story for the ages.
The Art Of Shaping A Bonsai Tree
Added 586 Views / 0 LikesRyan Neil has spent over a decade working to master the Japanese art of bonsai. As he shapes and forms these miniature trees, he describes how closely intertwined humans are with them. Filmmaker Ryan Bush captures Neil’s dedication to the art form and t
The Artificial Skylight That You Won't Believe Isn't Real
Added 954 Views / 0 LikesIt looks like the sun... but it isn't. It's a brand new type of artificial skylight called CoeLux which, for the first time, recreates the scientific process that makes the sky appear blue. It also creates an illusion of depth to make the 'sun' appear to
The Baus Collection Antique Auto Auction
Added 1,082 Views / 0 LikesVanDerBrink Auctions will conduct the Baus Collection and realestate auction on 5-28-16 at 10am. NO reserve . Bid ONLINE a www.proxibidcom.
The Beast Of Turin Returns To Goodwood
Added 767 Views / 0 LikesSpewing exhaust, sparks, and flames, this 1910 Fiat S76 was unofficially the fastest car that existed in 1911. It definitely looks fast… and sounds loud. The vehicle was recently restored by owner Duncan Pittaway, a ten year process, and roared to life