Imad the Magician is back! Watch as he shows us several new and unique tricks that are sure to make you say "How you do that?".
Added NO WAY.
Added I've seen this video before. That guy is just creepy.
Added I really enjoy watching Imad - and love watching the people react to his "magic"
Added I'm not so sure this man is real. Have seen this video several times.
Mary Jane
Added He is amazing and I love magic, thanks Mel!
Ian Cumming
Added For some reason my downloads from you wont open anymore....can you unsubscribe me and then re-subscribe me to see if that cures the problem.\ [email protected]
Added I'll never understand why people are afraid of magic. Real or imagined, it's still pretty cool. Thanks, Mel.
Sandi Angel
Added OK--I think this guy is just plain scary!!! In my opinion he's working with evil spirits--not a good thing to do!!
Added Completely different! How much is manipulation of photography!
Added This guy is scary! Wonder what nationality he is. I can't catch what he did with the woman's hands above the table. I'll have to look at that again. Great video. Thank you, Mel.
[email protected]