Most of us have probably come across stray animals in our everyday lives. These animals ended up alone on the streets for various reasons, and they often need our help. Unfortunately, most of us pass them by, pretending not to notice them. But as you have probably already guessed, our story is about something very different, and the homeless cat wasn’t just able to repay people for their kindness, but also became famous around the world.

CharMaine Added Cashnip earning his tuna . . . this is a great story! He needs a cape b/c all (super special) superhero's wear capes.
Doug Added Absolutely, i would. I love giving, paying it forward, it's something i try and teach my daughter to do.
Jill Added Yes I would defiantly give the kitty a couple of green backs. Loved this one.
Vera Added Absolutely!
Frances Added Yes, I would have donated to the cat if I passed by the office.
mimonalina Added I love cats as I have 9 at home and I do not like to see homeless cats and dogs as well roaming the streets ! I too would of given $'s . Thank you for sharing this story and thank you for the people who gave the money ! Love you all !
Carolyn Added Clever Cat.
Janet Added sure - great story
Yolanda Added Life has a strange way of always working out for the best. Yes, I would certainly donate to this cat, but the real merit goes to that good soul that picked him up and took him to his office. Bless his heart.
mercedes Added Great story and video!
Deborah Voves Added Sure thing, I would have given this brilliant kitty a buck or two (possibly more on a good cash day)!
redcrist Added yes I would
Marilyn Added Absolutly - What a wonderful story.
Paul Added I would be glad to slip the kitty some bucks. Goooo Cashnip
Helen Added I sure would have I love cats and it's going to a good cause.
susie Added well of course!
Patricia Added Great Story!!
Sheryl Added Really enjoyed this one ~ and YES, would have given money, too!