Redeemed Quartet presents "Then We'll Be Glad": the Official Music Video.
Thanks to the owners at "Prairie Manor" for the use of their farm and home grounds for an enjoyable summer film!
When we’ve traveled our last mile
And He says come in My child
Then we’ll be glad we lived for Jesus
When the Book is opened wide
And our name is found inside
Then we’ll be glad we lived for Him
Then we’ll be glad we live for Jesus
One endless day of perfect joy
Then we’ll be glad we lived for Jesus
We’ll sing and shout and praise His name
In His presence we’ll be changed
Then we’ll be glad we lived for Him
Verse 2
When we walk on streets of gold
Where we’ll never ever grow old
Then we’ll be glad we lived for Jesus
When we kneel down at His feet
Friends and loved ones we will meet
Then we’ll be glad we lived for Him
By J.B. Spencer
"Then We'll Be Glad" is track 1 on the 2023 album, "Those Were The Days", available here:

and so I sent enough I hope for you to go out and have lunch in appreciation for all that you do. This song rang a big bell with me, as I just lost my husband recently and I know where he is..........he loved good gospel music. Thank you Mel, for what you do.
awesome harmony and great voices.