Fast Lindy Hop! This is one of the most interesting subjects in the swing dance to learn.
We are still improving in it and every time to get a challenge performing it on the stage is a big deal and great fun. The main goal is to keep the tempo, yet combining it with the aesthetics of movement and pleasant feeling. This time we felt 95% satisfied with our part of performance. And the whole team was amazing: great spirit, easy-going, always laughing and keeping it cool. The whole process was inspiring. Many thanks to Vincenzo for taking the initiative to put it all together.
We are wishing you all to have as much fun watching it as we had while dancing it.
Many hugs,
Always yours Sondre & Tanya
Dance Teachers Final Show at the Summer Jamboree on the Lake!
The Dancers:
Sondre & Tanya
Vincenzo & Moe
Stephen & Chanzie
Markus & Sandra
Francesco & Carolina
Rasmus & Mona
Learn Swing Dancing Online with Sondre & Tanya here: