Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

Rescue Dog Brothers Instantly Recognise Each Other After A Year Apart #Video

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Keiko and Niko are pit bull brothers. They were separated at dog shelter, because the family could adopt only one dog. However, in a year, first, miraculously they ended up in the same family. And the recognized each other the moment their eyes met.


  • Carol S. Added I assume and hope that you have become healthy again. Sorry to be so behind with your enjoyable emails.
  • PEGGY Added Mel , Praying for you and family as they care for you . Saddens me to hear this but God has you in his hands and will bring healing . . Happy belated birthday . i couldn't be here last few days but i know it's been rough on you and what a Heck of a way to go through a Birthday ...Mannnn , Life at times has his challenges. Keep the Faith and your Strength . We're all pulling for you our FRIEND . God Bless and Keep The Faith ...PRAYING
  • Al Added Awesome babies. I agree with the owner, Pit Bulls have been given a bad rap. Dogs are only made bad by humans, they are a blessing and should be treated as such.
  • Lynda Added Lovely story, thank you for all you do! Sending prayers for your recovery. My husband and I just got over Covid so we can empathize. My tip, take a few days off and rest,rest, rest!
  • Bette Added Love all your stories Hope your feeling better
  • CharMaine Added Loved the story Mel! Another one, out of the park. Tawny, you are a special lady.

    So, so sorry to hear you are battling the virus. It is a pistol of a bug, for sure, I pray you muster through it pretty quick and return soon with your superhero cape on.

    As you can see, we all love and care for your very much. You obviously bring joy to a lot of people, and we are grateful to have you in our lives. So rest up. And know, we love you. Godspeed.
  • Peggy Added Loved this video. Thanks. Get well soon. We had Covid recently too and it was one day feeling bad and then just getting over a runny nowe and cough. Not too bad.
  • Lynne Henderson Added You must know that we will all wait for you to get better. Maybe you should take a break and just take care of yourself for a bit. Honestly, you should rest up.
  • Jackie Added Love the video. My granddaughter and her family have a Pitt mix, and he is wonderful! 'Course it doesn't hurt that he's always happy when Nanny arrives, (we immediately raid the closet where the doggie tries are kept). I have a gr-grandson (5) and gr-granddaughter (11), and he is great with them. And, Mel, as I mentioned before, take care of YOU, we'll wait till you're feeling better, after all, we're your fans!
  • Janet Added Sorry to hear that you have covid. Did the doctor give you pills to take while being sick? I'll pray for you, and if you see you can't send us a vid. that okay. Your health is more important.
  • Dee Added My son rescued a pitty and she was the best dog in the world. We lost her now 2 years ago and miss her so much. I am too old to get another but these dogs are wonderful if they have been raised right. Also, I am praying for your healing, Mel. So sorry you caught this terrible virus. God bless you and heal you swiftly.
  • [email protected] Added So sorry you caught the "bug" look after yourself you are in our thoughts and prayers
  • Carol Added Absolutely great! Happy belated birthday - and I hope you had your vaccines!
  • Amber Added May your recovery be a quick one !!! You have many people praying for you Mel.
  • Larry Added Sending best wishes and prayers, also Happy Belated birthday.
  • Lovey Added Sorry that you are not well and happy belated birthday. Hope you feel better soon
  • Helen Added So sorry you tested positive. I have a son going through that right now and he lives in CA and I am in FL! Praying for his good care out there and for your good care. BTW, loved the brotherly love video. Take care and get plenty of rest.
  • Randy Ferguson Added What a wonderful heartwarming story! I'm so glad they're back together again. Mel, I'm sorry to hear you tested positive for Covid. Take care of yourself. If you need to take off for a while, do so. I'll be here when you come back. In the meantime, I will be praying for your healing.
  • Kay Added Beautiful story, thank you. Do hope you feel better and can celebrate your birthday with a good glass of vino and friends.
  • Reed Added That is a great story, and the message about Pit bulls needs to be spread far and wide. It is such a shame that they have gotten such a bum rap. We have been looking lately for a rescue dog, and the one sad part was that 90% of the available dogs are Pit bulls. I hav never had one, but have seen ones that are very loving and gentle. As with any living thing, they all react positively to love.