One Year Of Animals On ATV Trail #Video
The 4th installment of our “One year on a …” trail camera series! This time on a very common feature in the Northwoods: an ATV trail. This camera was pretty cool because we got almost every carnivore in the Northwoods— only missing a few species! Anyway, we would love to hear what your favorite part of the video is!
Probably worth mentioning: the video actually shows footage over 1.25 years (Jul 2021 to Oct 2022). Unfortunately, though, there are only a few videos from late fall and winter. Although our camera was on during this time, it clearly was not working well as we only got 2 videos all winter. We ended up replacing the camera this past May and that did the trick as you can see.
The majority of the wolves in the video are the Wiyapka Lake Pack wolves and their pups. Though we definitely got a few lone wolves, including the “blond wolf” as well as Wolf V090, a lone wolf that we collared in 2020.

David fISKE Added LOVELY!!
CharMaine Added That was so cool to watch the different species trekking through to trail. It was my wild animal adventure, and it was good. Thank for providing it Voyager Wolf (you do great work) and thank you Mel, for posting it. Blessings everyone.
Tom Linton Added Cool watching wildlife! Thanks Mel.
Patricia Yager Delagrange Added Amazing video - I loved the bears
Shelley Added Interesting catching the wolf with the collar.
Vjones Added Love those videos. So interesting to see the different animals that use that trail.
Sher Added These are always great!
dixie Added Thank you for posting these videos! I truly enjoy your daily e-mail!