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Donkey makes sweetest sound for human mom #Video

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Added by Mel in Pets And Animals


The story of Cash the donkey is a heartwarming tale of unexpected rescue, unconditional love, and the unique bond that can form between humans and animals. When a newborn donkey was rejected by its mother, a compassionate couple stepped in to provide the care and affection he needed. This article explores Cash’s journey from a vulnerable baby to a beloved member of the family, highlighting the challenges and joys of raising a donkey alongside other pets.

An Unexpected Discovery

Sarah and her husband were on a walk one morning when they stumbled upon a surprising sight: a donkey had just given birth, and the newborn was soaking wet, having entered the world only seconds earlier. As they approached, they witnessed the mother donkey rejecting her baby, attempting to stomp and kick him. Quote from Sarah: “One morning my husband said let’s go for a walk today. Suddenly I see a donkey and standing next to her is a soaking wet baby donkey that had literally just been born about 2 seconds ago.” Without hesitation, Sarah intervened, wrapping the baby donkey in her coat and bringing him inside to safety. They quickly contacted a vet for guidance, unaware of the complexities involved in caring for a newborn donkey. Quote from Sarah: “Without thinking, I ran in, threw myself on them, grabbed the baby, wrapped him up in my coat. We just were in shock not knowing what on Earth we were supposed to do.”

Understanding the Mother’s Behavior

The vet explained that the mother’s aggressive behavior was akin to postpartum depression, a reaction where first-time mothers view their offspring as a threat due to a surge of hormones. Quote from the Vet: “The vet explained it similar to postpartum depression... especially with first-time moms, they look at their baby as this thing just hurt me immensely. It’s a threat.” Despite attempts to reunite the baby with his mother and feed him colostrum from her milk, the mother donkey remained hostile, requiring sedation for the couple to safely milk her. Quote from Sarah: “The vet said give her a bigger dose, then we were able to milk her.”

A New Family Member

Named Cash, the baby donkey quickly adapted to life with his new human family. He slept on the floor beside Sarah and her husband, receiving regular feedings every hour and a half, and became accustomed to their routines. Quote from Sarah: “We tag-teamed. One of us would take him out to go to the bathroom, the other would make the bottle. We were like zombies, but he was so helpless it was so worth it.” Cash developed a strong bond with Sarah, following her around and finding comfort in her presence. His behavior mirrored that of a human child, showcasing his unique personality. Quote from Sarah: “He thought he was a human. If we're outside and he's lost sight of me, he'll cry and just come crashing into me like he's so happy to have found me.”

Integrating with the Family

Cash seamlessly integrated with the family’s dogs, mimicking their behavior and joining in their playful antics. Despite not fully understanding what the dogs were doing, Cash happily ran alongside them, considering them his friends. Quote from Sarah: “He'll be outside sometimes with the dogs, and if they take off and go run after something, you'll see little Cash running with them like, 'I'm going with my friends.'” The neighbors were amused by the sight of Cash accompanying Sarah on walks, often confused by the unusual addition to her usual canine companions. Quote from Sarah: “When neighbors didn’t know him, they were shocked, like, 'Wait a second, normally we see you walking with dogs, what on Earth is this?'”

A Unique Bond and Daily Life

Cash has formed a particularly strong bond with Sarah, following her around the house and joining her in daily activities. Whether it's cooking or vacuuming, Cash is always by her side, eager to be involved. Quote from Sarah: “He loves when I'm vacuuming, he's right there with me with the vacuum.” Cash’s playful nature extends to strangers and children, often prompting him to show off or attempt to play with them as he would with other donkeys. Quote from Sarah: “When he's around strangers, it's almost like a toddler, how they want to show off. He starts kind of jumping and if there's little kids, he thinks they're little donkeys.” Sarah continues to work on training Cash, helping him understand the need to be gentle with new people and small children.


Cash’s journey from a rejected newborn to a beloved family member highlights the power of compassion and the unique bonds that can form between humans and animals. His story is a testament to the transformative effect of love and care, demonstrating the joy and fulfillment that can come from opening one’s heart to an animal in need. Sarah’s unwavering dedication to Cash’s well-being has resulted in a bond unlike any other, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected companions can become the most cherished.


  • Lynne Henderson Added Glad he is not i n my house but in saying that he is just the cutest little thing. What a wonderful couple he has as "mom and dad".