Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

Abandoned Pregnant Dog Gives Birth Under Family's Home #Video

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Added by Mel in Pets And Animals


The video captures a family's rescue mission to save a litter of puppies born under their house. The narrator and her daughter, Celeste, work together to ensure the safety and well-being of the puppies and their mother.

Rescue Effort

Initial Discovery: The family notices a stray dog that has given birth to puppies under their house. Concerned about the puppies being in the mud, they decide to take action to save them.

Retrieving the Puppies: The narrator and Celeste crawl under the house to retrieve the puppies. Celeste expresses concern about the mother's reaction but is determined to help the puppies.

Mother's Reaction: The mother dog shows protective instincts but eventually allows the family to help, carrying her puppies back herself once they are out of the mud.

Successful Rescue

Safely Relocating the Puppies: The family carefully moves the puppies to a safer, drier location, ensuring they are not in danger of suffocation or exposure.

Counting the Puppies: The narrator and Celeste count six puppies in total, relieved that all are safe and accounted for.

Reflecting on the Experience: The narrator shares her mixed feelings about dogs but expresses affection for the mother dog and satisfaction in successfully rescuing the puppies.


The video concludes with the family feeling accomplished and joyful about their successful rescue. The narrator acknowledges her initial apprehension but appreciates the bond formed through the rescue experience. The puppies and their mother are now safe, highlighting the importance of compassion and teamwork in animal rescue efforts.


  • CharMaine Added What a mess . . . So much selfishness in the world to just abandoned this dog when she was in need. To turn a blind eye . . . the self-centered walking the earth is stunning. Thank God for these wonderful folks that didn't just walk away. May the Lord richly bless them.