35 HILARIOUS HACKS THAT ARE ACTUALLY HELPFUL || Clever Tips And Gadgets To Solve All Your Problems
I know that you love funny videos and hilarious life hacks. We prepared a new video with cool and funny tips. You will find a lot of ideas that will ease your life while traveling on public transport and even in everyday life. Do you usually have a problem when you try to find your car in a big parking? We know a cool trick - just make a photo of your can in a parking place. Use a coke bottle as a pillow when you travel by bus. Moreover, you can use a pool noodle to comfortably sleep in a car. Check out the tutorial every car driver should know safety rules, check out this video!
One of the cleverest travel hacks you should know is that you can turn a hoodie into a pillow if you want to sleep in the plane. You can use an easy kitchen hack to reseal and plastic bag using a lighter
Clever packing is highly important to save lots of space in your luggage. Always roll clothes in small tubes, it saves a lot of space and prevents wrinkles. You can use this method for various clothes types like jeans, hoodies, shirts, sweaters. One more important benefit of rolling your clothes is that you can easily see what you have packed. It’s very useful is you are staying in a place where you can’t unpack your clothes. Recycle straws into travel packs! Make mini packages for shampoo, cream and other kinds of hygienic products for traveling. This lifehack will save you lots of money.
00:09 Hilarious travel hacks
00:36 Clever car lifehacks
03:33 DIY Travel pillow
04:42 Brilliant traveling ideas
07:55 French manicure trick
11:08 Organizer for cosmetic brushes