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10 Things You Will See for the First Time in Your Life Video

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10 Things You Will See for the First Time in Your Life





Video Script:: hi everyone in some countries there's a game where the child is asked to guess which of the items is edible and which is not depending on the country the rules of this game can be very different what is considered very exotic in one country might be the staple food in the other for example in asian countries people eat insects and snakes which seems pretty weird to europeans but marbled beef steaks which you'll find in almost any restaurants in europe are very rare in india because of local religious beliefs but today we will tell you about the food that you most likely have never seen in your life we have to say you might not want to try some of it let's get it on spotless water meal if you spent your vacation time at the lakes or had house ponds or pools when you were kids you must know what water blooming is it looks like a dense green film on the surface of a water body blooming is caused by the rapid multiplication of phytoplankton that is different types of algae this usually happens in still water most often people try to get rid of the stuff because it pollutes the reservoir and makes it impossible to use it but there are exceptions like for example spotless water meal which grows on the surface of still water this plant is used as food in some countries in southeast asia spotless water meal which looks very much like the tobico caviar used in sushi is a popular seasoning for omelets and soups and for a good reason german and indian scientists discover that the plant contains the same amount of protein as soybeans and peas as well as a lot of omega-3 fatty acids which are part of the cell membranes and blood vessels in addition spotless water meal also contains calcium magnesium zinc and vitamin b12 some western nutritionists are already predicting that in a couple of years it will become the new global superfood like chia seeds or goji berries this green plant can be added to smoothies mashed potatoes or any other dishes as an alternative to spinach well feeling hungry yet buddha's hand in most asian countries this amazing fruit is called buddha's hand and you only need to take one glance at it to understand why what you see is a citrus fruit that looks very similar to a person's hand because of its finger-shaped sections unlike all other fruits of this species there is no pulp inside a buddha's hand it is a common fruit in china japan and india in any case you can't just eat a buddha's hand like an orange or a grapefruit this will simply not work it's not recommended to consume it in a raw condition however dried or candied buddhist hand citron may be used as a decoration for confectionary sometimes the fruit is chopped up like lemon zest and used as a seasoning for fish or salads in addition citron can be used as an ingredient for fragrant tea or tincture this fruit tastes very bitter and sour due to a large amount of essential oil that it contains in india the dried fruits of the buddha's hands are used during sacrifices in buddhist temples the fingers of the plant must necessarily be clenched just like the hands during a religious ceremony in almost all asian countries this fruit is considered a symbol of longevity and wealth so people use it to decorate houses on the eve of the chinese new year in addition to its symbolic meaning the fruit also spreads a very strong citrus aroma romanesco broccoli this type of broccoli which has been used in italy since the 16th century is much more famous all over the world than local exotic products in many countries of europe it's used as a side dish but romanesco broccoli is not interesting only because of its taste and useful properties it also looks nice some people even say that it's the most beautiful vegetable in the world essentially the romanesco flower buds form as a natural fractal a pattern that looks almost exactly the same at every scale so if you zoom in tighter and tighter on the head of a romanesco broccoli every frame would look like the one before it in short all of this looks like a work of some genius mathematician well if you're not interested in maths and you're just curious about the taste of romanesque broccoli it is something between a broccoli and a cauliflower only with a creamy nutty flavour in addition romanesco broccoli also has a softer texture which is why you should be careful and delicate when cooking it aki caribbean countries are famous for the abundance of exotic fruits many tourists go there just to taste the rare fruits and of course enjoy the local pristine beaches an interesting fruit called aki also grows here but it gained particular importance in jamaica many centuries ago africans who came to the island as slaves brought aki here and it would be fine except that unripe aki and its black seeds are dangerous for humans the reason is the highly toxic substance hypoglycemic which causes the so-called jamaican vomiting sickness the name hints to the main symptom of poisoning but the effect of the toxin can be much more serious for example it can lead to severe dehydration convulsions a coma and even death nevertheless all of this doesn't stop the jamaicans they know how to cook aki properly and when it's ripe enough the first and most important sign is the opening of the fruit which bursts and exposes the dangerous seeds when it's ripe after that it's carefully prepared and used as an ingredient in many dishes for example aki with salt cod is the traditional food of jamaica in other caribbean countries aki is also added to fish and vegetable side dishes roasted meat soups and rice canned aki is exported abroad from jamaica haiti and belize kasumazu italian cuisine is known for diversity here you have a huge selection of wine hundreds of types of pasta pizza and lasagna just thinking of it all might make you feel hungry italy has always been famous for its cheeses too which are usually added to the main course or serve as an independent snack yes we agree that some of them have a rather exotic taste and smell but none of them are quite as weird as the following delicacy kasumazu cheese is made from sheep's milk on the mediterranean island of sardinia at the beginning of the process this product looks like regular pecorino cheese quite common around the world however it has one secret ingredient and you'll never guess which one these are the living larvae of a real cheese fly okay just bear with us we will tell you why this ingredient is so essential here it helps cheese decompose become soft and acquire a special taste people living in sardinia claim that it's not like any other cheese in the world and yes in case you didn't get it live maggots are consumed together with the cheese people almost never remove them not because of disgust but to protect their face when bothered the maggots will jump up sometimes going as high as 15 centimeters meaning that they can reach your eyes you can question the taste of an unusual product but one fact is accurate eating casual cheese is not safe cheers the reason is that the stomach of a person who's never tried this cheese before may not be able to digest the maggots and then they can settle inside the body for a long time which can cause a lot of other complications this is why selling kasumazu was banned many years ago both by the italian authorities and the european union however on sardinia where kasumasu is considered a national dish it can still be easily purchased on the black market thai soup any housewife knows that the longer soup simmers the more delicious it becomes this bangkok restaurant defied all the limits though beef noodle soup has been cooked there for 45 years in a row they began to cook it on the day of the restaurant's opening since then several generations of the establishment's owners have changed but the pots with the beef soup still stood in its rightful place and it's not that the owners are lazy or want the restaurant to get into the guinness book of records according to them this is all a tribute to an ancient thai tradition the dish is a thick soup with giblets stewed beef noodles and a huge amount of spices you've got to admit even if this dish was fresh not every stomach could handle it but it would be wrong to say that the same soup has been simmering in the pot for 45 years the reality is a bit different every day visitors come to the restaurant and the soup leftovers are put in the refrigerator by the staff the next morning when the restaurant opens again the leftovers are used as the basis for a new soup about 25 kilograms of meat are added to the pot and mixed in with the flavors of the 45 year old past the pot is never washed if you thought that such a delicacy is only popular among a dozen or two of notorious thrill seekers then you are mistaken hundreds of visitors come to the restaurant every day to try this soup and other eternal dishes and the restaurant even has a prestigious michelin star bird nests most birds build their nests from dry grass and twigs things nobody would call edible but asian gourmets are ready to pay about two thousand dollars for one and a half kilograms of this delicacy but before you rush in search of a family of swallows on your balcony let's be clear we are talking about very specific birds these so-called swiftlets who live only in certain parts of southeast asia so why are their mysterious nests so special the thing is they consist entirely of the small bird's saliva if you put such a nest into boiling water the structure partially dissolves and turns into a strange jelly mass it is then later used for making desserts drinks and soups but the product's main value doesn't even lie in its exceptional taste the chinese believe the substances in the nest prolong life improve skin condition prevent lung diseases and increase physical strength the most interesting thing is that there are still no reliable medical studies in the world that would confirm all of these claims in terms of chemistry the swiftlet's nests which are called caviar of the east in china consist mainly of ordinary protein and carbohydrates but this does not prevent restaurants in shanghai from selling magic soups for hundreds of dollars and the entire nest making industry is estimated of 5 billion jellied eels only russians known all over the world for their jelly can probably appreciate this dish aside from london residents of course as that is the birthplace of this dish the tradition of cooking fish in jelly goes back to the 18th century back then the river thames was teeming with eels you could find them on the table of any blue collar worker because it was the cheapest product rich in protein the eels were usually cooked in a pot with some common spices this fish is special because it contains a considerable amount of protein collagen so the eel's soup instantly turns into jelly the british of course used this to their advantage and stored fish like that they kept doing it for many centuries at first jelly deal was served at home and then intriguing establishments it's still difficult to find a pub in central london that doesn't serve this unusual fish as a cult snack sometimes it's used as a filling for a pie for those who don't appreciate the eel's looks all that much fish eyes if you ever find yourself in a restaurant in the company of chinese or japanese people and order a whole fish you should know something don't be surprised if the people around you give you weird looks when you finish your meal and leave the fish head untouched the reason is simple in many asian countries fish eyes are considered to be the most valuable and delicious part of the fish moreover they serve them as a standalone meal in many restaurants experts say that the rubber membrane hides a soft substance that tastes like the meat of the best seafood [Applause] the chinese also believe that fish eyes have incredible nutritional properties they believe this product stimulates brain activity and prevents memory loss thanks to its high fatty acids content by the way in asian countries fish eyes are also used to thicken sauces and soups worm omelette which product is essential for a quick delicious and healthy breakfast chicken eggs of course even a child could cook them and they can be combined with almost any product but this woman from the vietnamese capital of hanoi seems to have gone a little overboard when creating a new dish for a restaurant the thing is chef leilei hang prepares an omelette from live sandworms it's a special type of sea worm that lives in silt and sand the woman says that she wasn't the one who invented this recipe the secret of the delicacy was passed to her many years ago by a grandmother since then several decades have passed and today the dish is wildly popular among visitors to a restaurant for its incredible taste and aroma aside from the worms the dish also has a lot of greens pork and spices however it looks more like a burger patty than an omelet wait we might have just come up with a new dish for lele hangs restaurants dude are you looking for new technologies and great gadgets are your thoughts focused on the future do you love huge vehicles and can't imagine your life without robots around you then visit techzone and you'll find all this and more the link is in the description you interested great you


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